(02-14-2020, 11:47 PM)unity100 Wrote: However one sees subdensities of 3d, they are still not at a level which they could enable an entity to exist in rings of Saturn, be it in physical plane, be it in astral plane. Astral existence also requires an environment.
Even if in time/space, the complementary astral portion of a subdensity would reflect the nature of the nature of its complementary physical portion.
I'm not really understanding your doubt. For example, even in astral plane someone can survive in outer space without problems. The time/space portion of 3D has not the same laws of space/time.
(02-14-2020, 11:47 PM)unity100 Wrote: Depends on the resulting density of the harvested entity which harvested itself. A 3d entity which harvested itself may end up in 4d vibration. A 5d entity which harvested itself may end up in 5d vibration, or a higher vibration. It totally depends.
Of course. I was talking about a 3D entity ascended to 4D.