Hey There,
I really think the best thing is to switch to a raw food diet for a little while. Ive been on this diet for awhile and I feel way better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually then I ever thought was possible. It's very powerful. It also works absolute wonders for weight loss. I'd try to slowly add things in, add in more raw foods, and most importantly add in superfoods. I highly reccomend you research David Wolfe on youtube.
Btw, that ratfish oil is amazing. To really feel the full effects though you've got to get off tap water, conventional toothpaste, junk food, processed factory farmed meat, and try to get a cheap shower filter (less important). It still works regardless though.
Here are some links
http://www.sunfood.com/pages/weight-loss...xification (steer clear of products from sunfood which are promoted in this article. Although, I highly reccomend them from other sources. It was subtlely taken over through fine print and lies by the son of the former president of monsanto roy harbison and no longer has quality products. It used to be Daivd Wolfes company. This is a great and highly informative article though)
I really think the best thing is to switch to a raw food diet for a little while. Ive been on this diet for awhile and I feel way better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually then I ever thought was possible. It's very powerful. It also works absolute wonders for weight loss. I'd try to slowly add things in, add in more raw foods, and most importantly add in superfoods. I highly reccomend you research David Wolfe on youtube.
Btw, that ratfish oil is amazing. To really feel the full effects though you've got to get off tap water, conventional toothpaste, junk food, processed factory farmed meat, and try to get a cheap shower filter (less important). It still works regardless though.
Here are some links
http://www.sunfood.com/pages/weight-loss...xification (steer clear of products from sunfood which are promoted in this article. Although, I highly reccomend them from other sources. It was subtlely taken over through fine print and lies by the son of the former president of monsanto roy harbison and no longer has quality products. It used to be Daivd Wolfes company. This is a great and highly informative article though)