01-18-2020, 07:59 PM
(01-07-2020, 12:36 PM)BridgesToLight Wrote: The Venusian Mystery, How a majority STO society "only" harvests 25%?
I'm sure many answers are beyond our ability to grasp, but from my simple mind I can make a couple logical, and intuitive, guesses.
1st probability, Venus, like Earth, may have had a plethora of younger souls that were given the gift of being on planet as the distortions and catalyst occurred. In this Solar System birth is always painful, the pain is the payment for the life you bring, and to an eternal being of light - which we all are, and they all are - the excitement is probably a welcome feeling.
Anyway, as such youngish souls, even if raised "right," they would not have learned lessons of compassion, hardship, struggle, so were in no oversoul position to graduate.
This feels likely to me and my guides are signaling a hard yes.
Another strong component, a life of ease and technological and scientific advances bring hubris. Hubris feeds fear, greed and "righteous" destruction of others. While stated goals,came even internal belief, were STO, in their service to others incredible amounts of others free will was being violated for the (alleged) greater good.
These distortions cause your vibration to fall. First due no harm to separate self beings, and give blessings, gratitude and love to the lesser density beings that were gifted to you to sustain incarnation.
Jailing, judging, vaccinating, financial destruction, even if thought to be for greater good, if it harms any person it lowers vibrations and anyone actively partipating will be directly effected, even if they, and society, and science, say otherwise.
I see where declared STO people are directly and intentionally inflicting harm on others while feeling self-righteous and thinking themselves harvestable (though many call it Raptured, which means off earth, so dead, jokes on them we all get Raptured when we she'd these meat suits, anyway) because they hold the illusion of keeping others safe from their own realities.
So I see how easy it is to tip to the dark side, all the while believing you are of the Light.
Of course after 9/11 I finally understood how the Nazis rose to power.
And now I can see how good intentions can be the path to hell, or redoing the cycle as it were.
As to how it affects our time, earth, now, it's simple.
See the Creator, Love the Creator, Be Grateful for the Creator in all moments, in all people, in all nows.
Help those that you can, bless and ask for higher help for those who you can't help. Live a life of gratitude and joy, not the, regret, fear or worry.
That is how we get to 51%.
I am a math, statistics, finance nut by interest and by trade, the focusing on stats, percents and statistical wobbling is amusing. A part of me still says, "oooh, numbers, important..."
But I find I can't, won't?, grasp them, the page swims and I hear giggles..
My guides are rejoicing, the misdirected earthly intellect is being redirected to the higher view.
Wowza, for me this is major progress.
Thanks for the catalyst!
what a lovely post BridgesToLight..

yes constant gratitude is such a great thing. I love that your guides giggle, mine do too. We for sure offer a hilarious landscape of ourselves often times