01-03-2020, 09:20 AM
(12-27-2019, 10:32 AM)Infinite Wrote: I think the informations about the Council of Saturn a bit confusing.Just for fun...https://www.universetoday.com/38097/how-many-rings-does-saturn-have/#7s8d6f87
The follow stretch imply they are from eighth density OR live in the eighth level of 3D:
Quote:This Council is located in the octave, or eight[h] dimension, of the planet Saturn, taking its place in an area which you understand in third-dimensional terms as the rings.(6.8)
With "eighth dimension", Ra could being talking as a synonyms of eighth density or as the eighth dimension of the third density of Saturn. The latter makes more sense to me as I explain below:
But here, Ra imply the members of the Council are from Confederation AND from 3D time/space of Earth:
Quote:The members of the Council are representatives from the Confederation and from those vibratory levels of your inner planes bearing responsibility for your third density.(7.9)
This stretch would indicate that there are 3D ascended masters together with Confederation's members leading the Earth evolution. Personally, they being the most illuminated, seems to me that naturally they are responsabile by us.
Including, Ra said Mark Probert is one of the less distorted sources about the Council:
Quote:The Council of Nine has been retained in semi-undistorted form by two main sources, that known in your naming, as Mark and that known in your naming as Henry. In one case, the channel became the scribe. In the other, the channel was not the scribe. However, without the aid of the scribe, the energy would not have come to the channel.(7.10)
Well, I read some writings of him, and one of the "guardians" that was guiding Probert was Yada. Yada is an ascended master. He lived in Earth millennia ago. So, we can assume that the Council has 3D ascended entities between them.
Here Ra talks about one of the functions of the Council:
Quote:One, the duty of admitting social memory complexes to the Confederation;(7.9)
It's seems to me that a beginner 4D entity couldn't do this. So, I assume that the Council has mixed density level entities, the 3D ascended masters responsible for us, and advanced Confederation entities, probably from higher densities.
With all this, I suppose the "eighth dimension" of Saturn quoted by Ra isn't the eight density, but the eighth dimension of the 3D level. Because I don't think that ascended masters could be support the light of the eighth density. If this would possible, the evolution would no make any sense.
What you think about?
Saturn is just like the Earth, correct? And is moving through the densities. This could be why in many cases Don did not have the knowledge to understand the mathematics for certain locations within the universe.
I find it kind of neat that Saturn has 8 visible rings from 3rd density perspective.