(12-02-2019, 07:15 PM)Changa Mane Wrote: Do you have any idea, what it could mean, when dimensions are numbered seperate from densities?
Like here https://www.heartki.com/wp-content/uploa...-chart.png
The dimensions go over 7 and are listed sperate from densities.
I also heard the term '11 dimensional beings' or '11 dimensional consciousness', can't remember which.
I have already studied many sources of the occult. There are many views on this subject of the planes or dimensions.
When Ra used dimension different of density, they were referring themselves to the time/space or inner planes of our third density. The Confederation members stays in the inner planes.
I have a particular view on this subject. I'll explain. But it will be a bit extensive.
First of all, I see the microcosm (human being) as a reflex of the macrrocosm (universe with the seven densities). There are a hermetic principle called "principle of correspondence" which state this through the axiom "As above, as below. As below as above". With this in mind, the seven chakras repeates the seven densities microcosmally. This is also true for the seven bodies and the seven planes (dimensions). Each chakra is linked to a body and each body is linked to a plane (dimension). For example, the green-ray chakra must be linked to the green-ray body that must linked to the green-ray plane or dimension. As I said above, our third density have seven sub-levels corresponding to the seven densities. The majority of this is invisible, because we are in the three level and so, the knowledge of the higher densities must be penetrated. It remains in potential.
However, the most traditions of Earth are distorted in the view of correspondence between chakras, bodies and dimensions. That's because they don't considers the concept of seven densities. Without that concept, the view of Creation is incomplete. The best example is to relate the red-ray chakra to the physical plane and the physical body. This is what the most esoteric traditions does. But, Ra said the red-ray body is not the physical body, but the elemental body without form. For this reason, I suposse the red-ray energy center (root chakra) is related with the elemental body without form and the first dimension of 3D (something like the physical plane with first density consciousness perspective).
The perspective of first density is basic perception. We can call that linear consciousness.
Already second density it has perspective of growth. Growth give us an idea of height.
Third density has a consciousness we can relate with depth, due the possiblity of self-awareness (abstract thought ). That is something like a tri-dimensional consciousness (perception, growth and self-awareness).
For all this, I see the first three dimensions of our third density related with first, second and third density perception of reality.
RED-RAY: First density/ Root chakra/ First dimension (Physical-Electrical plane with 1D consciousness) /Elemental Body without form
ORANGE-RAY: Second density/ Sacral chakra/ Second dimension (Physical-Electrical plane with 2D consciousness) / Physical Body without self-awareness
YELLOW-RAY: Third density/ Solar Plexus Chakra /Third dimension (Physical-Electrical plane with 3D consciousness) / Physical-Electrical Body with self-awareness
GREEN-RAY: Fourth Density/ Heart Chakra / Fourth dimension (Astral Plane) / Astral body
BLUE-RAY: Fifth Density/ Throat Chakra/ Fifth dimension (Mental Plane) / Mental body
INDIGO-RAY: Sixth Density/ Third Eye Chakra/ Sixth dimension (Causal Plane) / Causal body
VIOLET-RAY: Seventh Density/ Crown Chakra/ Seventh dimension (Buddhic Plane) / Buddhic body
Observation: I don't consider the existence of monadic, atmic, logoic, etc. planes. Why? It's simple. Planes are parts of the space/time and time/space system. The Atman/Monad (Spirit) is beyond the time and space as the Logos. Thus, makes no sense a plan for spirit and for Logos. The traditions don't know about the seven densities and always starts with physical plane. For this reason, to complete seven planes they had to add planes beyond buddhic plane.