11-21-2019, 08:19 PM
The following is, rationally seen, guesswork. But peculiar communication, which seems to be directed at a different level, can only be responded to with something similar.
It may be bad to leave another part of the faulty synthesis I wrote uncorrected, because doing so may mask something real. So, with changes:
This matches the very abstract "visions" I have sometimes had, e.g. while reading the books of Karla Turner (about 4D STS and their activities), much recommended. The realities of the beings described appeared as being curiously curved, and its structures and "matter" bright on the surface, with something dark and almost "burning" underneath. Almost painful to "look" at.
The old esoteric idea I quoted made sense in a very straightforward way. And to reinterpret it as having only to do with 6D STS may be a confusion of levels similar to this:
I think the higher-D masters in such cases are 4D STS, and they may or may not have more direct ties to the 3D people. (The most obvious direct ties in politics occurred with the Nazis and their occult inner circle. In the modern world, it seems less blatant, and such "contact" may occur within other, less overtly visible circles of power.) The older Bush had a mind and drive of his own, while the younger Bush seems like an intellectually and emotionally stunted puppet used by more clever people who wrote the scripts for him.
In general, the 3D drama seems to be mainly connected to 4D drama. With STO-oriented groups, it is much easier for above-4 densities to be involved in a more direct way with 3D people. (But in circles where 4D STS contact is overt, 5D STS may also reach the "inner planes" of the participants, and through this, come to take a more centrally influential role.)
Continuing the guesswork (why not go all the way?):
The symbolic placeholder numbers are funny. I've noticed a symbolic pattern - accurate or not - which ties "48" to "94" and "49" to "81". As in, the bad outcome of 1984 was reversed in 1994, and the bad outcome of 1994 was reversed in 1981. (Ra contact, 1981-1984; Cassiopaean contact, 1994-????.) If true, it would be an example of how higher-density dynamics can be "loopy". Or the ideas may be silly.
To add more, silly or not, an early idea from the Cassiopaean contact is that "94%" of people will be used by 4D STS for "total consumption", "6%" being left out. (Laura's idea is that the "6%" are psychopaths.) Maybe it does not refer to the larger world, but instead, to a smaller world within it. The percentages may also be purely symbolic. And it remains to be seen what actually happens. (Various of Ra's percentages could also be symbolic, as a way to squeeze in extra information at the cost of statistics without real practical use to 3D readers.)
The guesswork may or may not turn out useful.
It may be bad to leave another part of the faulty synthesis I wrote uncorrected, because doing so may mask something real. So, with changes:
(11-19-2019, 02:35 AM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote: I'm reminded of the old idea that "Light through darkness is Christ. Light on top of darkness is Antichrist." [Higher-D STO] as something living which shines through darkness, while [Higher-D STS, with wisdom] is like a gleaming surface of light on top of [a] blackness (which may or may not be hidden from view, like a black hole).
This matches the very abstract "visions" I have sometimes had, e.g. while reading the books of Karla Turner (about 4D STS and their activities), much recommended. The realities of the beings described appeared as being curiously curved, and its structures and "matter" bright on the surface, with something dark and almost "burning" underneath. Almost painful to "look" at.
The old esoteric idea I quoted made sense in a very straightforward way. And to reinterpret it as having only to do with 6D STS may be a confusion of levels similar to this:
(11-19-2019, 08:42 PM)Kaaron Wrote: IMO...George Bush jnr was 4D. Senior is most likely 5D.
Both were the front men...for the 6D hidden elite.
I think the higher-D masters in such cases are 4D STS, and they may or may not have more direct ties to the 3D people. (The most obvious direct ties in politics occurred with the Nazis and their occult inner circle. In the modern world, it seems less blatant, and such "contact" may occur within other, less overtly visible circles of power.) The older Bush had a mind and drive of his own, while the younger Bush seems like an intellectually and emotionally stunted puppet used by more clever people who wrote the scripts for him.
In general, the 3D drama seems to be mainly connected to 4D drama. With STO-oriented groups, it is much easier for above-4 densities to be involved in a more direct way with 3D people. (But in circles where 4D STS contact is overt, 5D STS may also reach the "inner planes" of the participants, and through this, come to take a more centrally influential role.)
Continuing the guesswork (why not go all the way?):
(11-18-2019, 11:53 PM)Kaaron Wrote: Seeing as we're throwing random opinions around...I'd go as far as to say there are 49% positive wanderers and 5% negative wanderers incarnate, presently.
The symbolic placeholder numbers are funny. I've noticed a symbolic pattern - accurate or not - which ties "48" to "94" and "49" to "81". As in, the bad outcome of 1984 was reversed in 1994, and the bad outcome of 1994 was reversed in 1981. (Ra contact, 1981-1984; Cassiopaean contact, 1994-????.) If true, it would be an example of how higher-density dynamics can be "loopy". Or the ideas may be silly.
To add more, silly or not, an early idea from the Cassiopaean contact is that "94%" of people will be used by 4D STS for "total consumption", "6%" being left out. (Laura's idea is that the "6%" are psychopaths.) Maybe it does not refer to the larger world, but instead, to a smaller world within it. The percentages may also be purely symbolic. And it remains to be seen what actually happens. (Various of Ra's percentages could also be symbolic, as a way to squeeze in extra information at the cost of statistics without real practical use to 3D readers.)
The guesswork may or may not turn out useful.