(11-19-2019, 02:35 AM)Asolsutsesvyl Wrote: I'm not sure how 6D STS wanderers may "work", since the conscious 6D mind, as a being, is 6D STO only. But I have the idea that in general, 6D wanderers use a specially formed 5D structure as a "body" of sorts, which becomes connected to lower-density incarnations. The reason for this would be that something consisting of a type of structured material is required, and 6D in itself is too "unified", too much like pure living thought, to incarnate without first forming a "container".
If this idea is true, then such 5D "containers" could form for either of 6D STO or 6D STS.
But what is 6D STS, in the first place? Most speculation I have draw upon the Cassiopaean material, which contains a few ideas about 6D STS. Whereas 6D STO is conscious as a being in itself, 6D STS is described as "reflections" of "strong STS individuals" which "exist for balance". As if the STS half of 6D is distributed across the STS hierarchies of the cosmos - manifesting like some sort of natural phenomenon, counterbalancing the conscious 6D STO mind.
I'm reminded of the old idea that "Light through darkness is Christ. Light on top of darkness is Antichrist." 6D STO as something living which shines through darkness, while 6D STS is like a gleaming surface of light on top of an empty, perfect blackness (which may or may not be hidden from view, like a black hole). Maybe 6D STS "clothes" STS beings who reach a critical mass of intensity of negative manifestation?
But this still doesn't explain 6D STS wanderers. The idea I developed is that part of the conscious 6D mind is an "interface" or "mapping" between 6D STO and 6D STS, which coordinates the two for a purpose which is STO in and through taking the full picture of the cosmos into account. (This "interface" could also be part of an "interface" between 6D and 7D.)
The idea makes a 6D STS manifestation look like a sinister puppet on strings, where half the strings are pulled by STS consciousness below 6D, and half the strings are pulled by the 6D mind.
But that which has reached through and become part of the 6D mind is not "before" a potential polarity-flip, but after. A 6D STS wanderer would be like 6D reaching back from after the flip, to before, in an inverted way compared to after the flip. Whereas before, growing a presence which extends towards 6D, eventually establishes a contact which merges the consciousness into the 6D mind (where the result is flipped to positivity), obsoleting the old presence and its focus.
This is the fanciest speculation I have right now, and I'm not entirely sure about it.
6D is a state of being...as are all densities.
I picture a Taurus field
The core is the violet...outer, red.
It circles in on itself...forever.
Ideas we develop...are our egos looking outside of what is.
Studying another's distortions or free will expression...is interesting but seems irrelevant.
What do you feel?
What do you know?
When you close your eyes, which part of you scares you most?
If you can't look at these things and feel the love you feel for your child or most precious thought...there is something needing balance.
Being light...is 6D.
You are the act of light manifesting.
The higherself...is the midpoint, where we turn to face the all.
Before the event horizon...
We are being sent information as light packages, from our 6D SMC.
these are being recieved by our 4D lightbody.
This is the nature of 6D.
They may also manifest as a 5D body simultaneously.
They may stay and watch from the perspective of space/time simultaneously.
Why try to contain...what is in essence, infinite?
Why label parts, of what is all ONE.
The Elite came from Maldek.
Why do you think Ra are so vested in this?
They are both the elite, and the ones helping the parts of them who wander.
They are the STO 6D...the STS...are THEM/US TOO!