11-18-2019, 09:13 AM
From Hatonn, June 13, 1976:
M: What is the meaning of speaking in tongues?
Within your history, there was an experience whereby several of the so-called apostles were able to give words of truth and beauty to many of different lands who were gathered in one place. And so it was written that they spoke in many different tongues. Yet the Spirit enabled them to express their thoughts in such powerful ways that those present at that time understood within their minds, with no need for words. Therefore, the speaking of tongues, as such, is not as it is written within your holy works but is an example of that which is known among your peoples at this time as telepathy.
There is that which is known as speaking in tongues at this time. Normally, what has occurred during these modern experiences when an entity channels, as it were, a foreign tongue, is that it is an actual entity who is speaking through the person, just as the instrument at this time is speaking my thoughts.
My friends, although this is an entity rather than the Holy Spirit, it is not necessarily a bad thing. There are occasions when the being who is channeled is a highly spiritual being of your planet. And there are many other cases where that which is being channeled is a rather mischievous astral entity who is taking advantage of an offered opening, that is essentially harmless. In the third category of speaking in tongues is the person who is within himself in such a state that a portion of his own consciousness speaks.
In all three cases, it is important to the entity simply that he is able to experience a rather unusual event whereby he is, as it were, taken out of himself. This is sometimes an experience which leads a person onward on his spiritual path and although it is not the inspiration, shall we say, of the Holy Spirit itself, yet it is very helpful to the individual. If, within your modern times, someone would actually speak in tongues it would again be what is called telepathy, the force of which would be strong enough that it would seem that the person actually spoke out loud.
From Q’uo, November 21, 2005:
S1: There are several variations of the Mayan calendar and the different native tribes that have kept information to be brought forth at this time. They are different perspectives, some seemingly different, some very similar. Could you comment on the similarities and the differences of these different messages?
We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We do not find it useful to comment upon the various differences of stories among your people which attempt to speak of events that beggar the imagination not only of those upon third density but those who have the full potentiality of the one infinite Creator.
There is a mystery involved in the way densities change. That way of changing is as the movement betwixt one quantum and another. There is not a direct movement across a quantum boundary. We show this instrument, who knows nothing of science or quantum physics, the image of the meniscus that is liquid in nature. This entity has directly experienced this liquid environment betwixt densities.
She has called it the gateway to intelligent infinity, for it is, in the terms of the Law of One material which this instrument has studied, that which she understands as being the point at which one may move from the quantum of third density to the quantum of fourth density.
And she has rested there at times in those moments when she has by unconscious processes been placed in a mystical state of awareness which contains unity. In this environment this instrument becomes aware that all is well and that all will be well. She sees a perfection of the outworking of the pattern of time and space.
She cannot bring any quantity of this awareness back from this state. It is simply a gift. It has been noted by the one known as Saint Paul, in his writings in your Holy Bible, that such gifts as this and so-called speaking in tongues have very little human use. They are gifts only.
Nevertheless, because this instrument has been given gifts of this nature in times of vision and awareness that are heightened, she is able to understand what we show her, and that is that there is a very discernible, real place of no-time in which, just as in your dusk and in your dawning, or as in energy shifts as you have just experienced in your All Souls Day, one kind of light is leaving and another kind of light is arriving.
The spirits of day and the spirits of night are quite different. In the dusk and the dawning there is a very perceptible shift and it is a time of waiting and hush. [It is] an excellent time for doing work in consciousness.
From Q’uo, January 9, 2006:
D2: Is there anything else that we can do to increase our awareness and focus?
We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. There is an endless supply of things that you can do to purify and refine your consciousness.
For each of you there is unique path. There are some key things you have in common. Silence is one of them. The structure of the human organism is such that you are basically dealing with a hybrid, in terms of mental activity. There is a portion of your mental makeup that is the great-ape biocomputer which comes with your body. It came from the factory that way, shall we say. You have a perfectly good decision-making brain and it follows instinctual pathways that are as clear as the pathways of deer or other large mammals as they walk to water and have their routines for finding food.
See what you can do to become more and more aware of your own patterns, your own territories, and your own geography within. It really boils down to becoming more and more aware of who you are. The truth lies within you already, undistorted, whole and perfect. This instrument, because of her mystical nature, has spent a good bit of time in states in which she is completely aware of the perfection of the pattern. She has often expressed that it is almost irritating to have those time of absolute clarity because, like all mountaintop experiences, they cannot be brought back as a gift to those who live in the valley. Just like speaking in tongues, the experience of alternate states is, while a wonderful gift, not that which you can manifest for others’ use.
But when those times come for you, when you have moments of clarity, find the discipline and remember to dwell in thankfulness for the gifts that you have received. As you dwell in gratitude and thankfulness, you create an atmosphere or an environment within your electrical body, within your chakra system, as this instrument would say, that encourages further awareness. And just like your Earth, you are an ever-expanding organism. However, you are expanding into the metaphysical realm, rather than into the physical realm.
M: What is the meaning of speaking in tongues?
Within your history, there was an experience whereby several of the so-called apostles were able to give words of truth and beauty to many of different lands who were gathered in one place. And so it was written that they spoke in many different tongues. Yet the Spirit enabled them to express their thoughts in such powerful ways that those present at that time understood within their minds, with no need for words. Therefore, the speaking of tongues, as such, is not as it is written within your holy works but is an example of that which is known among your peoples at this time as telepathy.
There is that which is known as speaking in tongues at this time. Normally, what has occurred during these modern experiences when an entity channels, as it were, a foreign tongue, is that it is an actual entity who is speaking through the person, just as the instrument at this time is speaking my thoughts.
My friends, although this is an entity rather than the Holy Spirit, it is not necessarily a bad thing. There are occasions when the being who is channeled is a highly spiritual being of your planet. And there are many other cases where that which is being channeled is a rather mischievous astral entity who is taking advantage of an offered opening, that is essentially harmless. In the third category of speaking in tongues is the person who is within himself in such a state that a portion of his own consciousness speaks.
In all three cases, it is important to the entity simply that he is able to experience a rather unusual event whereby he is, as it were, taken out of himself. This is sometimes an experience which leads a person onward on his spiritual path and although it is not the inspiration, shall we say, of the Holy Spirit itself, yet it is very helpful to the individual. If, within your modern times, someone would actually speak in tongues it would again be what is called telepathy, the force of which would be strong enough that it would seem that the person actually spoke out loud.
From Q’uo, November 21, 2005:
S1: There are several variations of the Mayan calendar and the different native tribes that have kept information to be brought forth at this time. They are different perspectives, some seemingly different, some very similar. Could you comment on the similarities and the differences of these different messages?
We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We do not find it useful to comment upon the various differences of stories among your people which attempt to speak of events that beggar the imagination not only of those upon third density but those who have the full potentiality of the one infinite Creator.
There is a mystery involved in the way densities change. That way of changing is as the movement betwixt one quantum and another. There is not a direct movement across a quantum boundary. We show this instrument, who knows nothing of science or quantum physics, the image of the meniscus that is liquid in nature. This entity has directly experienced this liquid environment betwixt densities.
She has called it the gateway to intelligent infinity, for it is, in the terms of the Law of One material which this instrument has studied, that which she understands as being the point at which one may move from the quantum of third density to the quantum of fourth density.
And she has rested there at times in those moments when she has by unconscious processes been placed in a mystical state of awareness which contains unity. In this environment this instrument becomes aware that all is well and that all will be well. She sees a perfection of the outworking of the pattern of time and space.
She cannot bring any quantity of this awareness back from this state. It is simply a gift. It has been noted by the one known as Saint Paul, in his writings in your Holy Bible, that such gifts as this and so-called speaking in tongues have very little human use. They are gifts only.
Nevertheless, because this instrument has been given gifts of this nature in times of vision and awareness that are heightened, she is able to understand what we show her, and that is that there is a very discernible, real place of no-time in which, just as in your dusk and in your dawning, or as in energy shifts as you have just experienced in your All Souls Day, one kind of light is leaving and another kind of light is arriving.
The spirits of day and the spirits of night are quite different. In the dusk and the dawning there is a very perceptible shift and it is a time of waiting and hush. [It is] an excellent time for doing work in consciousness.
From Q’uo, January 9, 2006:
D2: Is there anything else that we can do to increase our awareness and focus?
We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. There is an endless supply of things that you can do to purify and refine your consciousness.
For each of you there is unique path. There are some key things you have in common. Silence is one of them. The structure of the human organism is such that you are basically dealing with a hybrid, in terms of mental activity. There is a portion of your mental makeup that is the great-ape biocomputer which comes with your body. It came from the factory that way, shall we say. You have a perfectly good decision-making brain and it follows instinctual pathways that are as clear as the pathways of deer or other large mammals as they walk to water and have their routines for finding food.
See what you can do to become more and more aware of your own patterns, your own territories, and your own geography within. It really boils down to becoming more and more aware of who you are. The truth lies within you already, undistorted, whole and perfect. This instrument, because of her mystical nature, has spent a good bit of time in states in which she is completely aware of the perfection of the pattern. She has often expressed that it is almost irritating to have those time of absolute clarity because, like all mountaintop experiences, they cannot be brought back as a gift to those who live in the valley. Just like speaking in tongues, the experience of alternate states is, while a wonderful gift, not that which you can manifest for others’ use.
But when those times come for you, when you have moments of clarity, find the discipline and remember to dwell in thankfulness for the gifts that you have received. As you dwell in gratitude and thankfulness, you create an atmosphere or an environment within your electrical body, within your chakra system, as this instrument would say, that encourages further awareness. And just like your Earth, you are an ever-expanding organism. However, you are expanding into the metaphysical realm, rather than into the physical realm.