01-16-2011, 03:48 PM
In an social environment where "experts"/scientists weren't muzzled and controlled by governments controlled by... then I suppose we would hear truth from them. As it is, what I hear you saying, Zen, is somewhat along the lines of "if you aren't a scientist or engineer having directly done the investigative work yourself, sit down and shut up".
That won't work anymore. People are awakening, and control systems like that which you appear to desire to propagate are failing. People distrust governments, doctors, corporations, money, etc etc, and for good reason. They therefore look to many sources, finding one's own truth which will be, in the end, the universal truth.
That won't work anymore. People are awakening, and control systems like that which you appear to desire to propagate are failing. People distrust governments, doctors, corporations, money, etc etc, and for good reason. They therefore look to many sources, finding one's own truth which will be, in the end, the universal truth.