(01-16-2011, 08:24 AM)unity100 Wrote: the paid troll/shill concept is real though. it was discovered that certain think thanks etc were employing such paid 'opinion-making' in various subjects. its absurd that its legal though.
That IS nuts.
I looked at chemtrails but it doesn't apply to me enough to really have to.
Anyway, for me the jury is out on whether they exist (I really research before such decisions), but if they do then it's probably about a large ideological need to make people feel powerless and vulnerable to every disease going. Just a guess.
As for conspiracy theory, the only thing negative about it in my view is when it assigns the 'Illuminati' some god like infallibility power, who control EVERYTHING, never make mistakes, and are going to take over the world. That is by it's nature negative because it sucks hope out of the world. (Ra's reason given session 26)
However, something based on evidence even if it is in a conspiracy domain is called 'evidence'. Such as David Wilcock sciences which is based on the LOO.