11-07-2019, 09:47 PM
By reading it as a joke, i mean i picked up through empathy power. One of various funny talents i over skilled in life. Once i lock unto a soul signature online, i can read their surface intent or emotions. Stronger ones like enmity vs caring, are very easy to distinguish. Thus i did not use indigo chakra to analyze all words and come to a, you are joking, conclusion. I picked it up via heart hreen chakra instead. This is not textual anaylsis. I thought i was doing that fir years. But i can read it if someone wr8tes a single word or sentence. That should be impossible with textual analysis, at least without more samples.
It is not 100 accurate unless i know that person. Empath abilities cannot easily distinguish self vs other self. Confusing.
Your point about fire with fire is apt. I am typing on a phone, so explanation will be less clear. If you have yet to read my short story at the thread about neg to positive switching here in the sub forum, it may help frame the orion viewpoint. But generally, orion shuts out the heart green chakra because they see it as love, borg, assimilation, slavery. They see the se4vice to self path as freedom and victory. Victory at all costs. Orion first. Everbody else last, including orion s servants and vassals. What color were the Borg again? Gene roddenberry btw got his star trek stuff from seances.
Orion does not fight love with love. Love to them is the enemy, literally. They think it is a cult. Anyone that goes in doesn't come out. How many collectives have polarized positive and returned to orion?
It is the Borg, literally, to them. To fight the borg, one must use indigo logic to surpass the power of love. To kill the Creator is the next step.
Re wanderers, perhaps a parable will do. In the hall of the ancients, there was the greatest warrior explorer, who claimed that with his xp, he could go to hell and conquer the affections of all the queen princess waifus there.
I take a peek in 5000 years and see this guy being thrashed around by all the weak girls and waifus. Lol. End of story.
Wanderers can fall down. That is not the funny part.
Quote:his was very helpful Ymarsakar. Thank you for sharing your insight. Makes plenty of sense. And thank you for the whole "demiurge" bit of info. That explains more about Orion ideology and makes things more sense. Although it still puzzles me why they would rely so heavilly on ENSLAVEMENT in order to free all from slavery. That is amusingly absurd to me. One COULD say they may see themselves as fighting fire with fire and using the system of enslavement against the enslaving demiurge, but then once they destroy whatever they're fighting against, what do they expect to replace it with and how is that any better? Just more questions to wonder, if that is the case for the Orion empire.
As for Loki's wanderer comments... Loki did not seem to be joking with the wanderer thing, but then again, it IS hard to pick up sarcasm over text. I've seen enough people on these forums just assume wanderer status to themselves or others without much critical analysis put into the assumption that I just took his comments as typical for the forum. Interesting you read it as a joke. Tell me, is it not possible for a wanderer to fall into the sinkhole of indifference or become negative over the course of their life? If it is possible, then what would make the implication of me being a wanderer humorous? Something is only funny if there is absurdity to it. The idea of a wanderer becoming less positive over the course of their incarnation is not absurd. It is in fact QUITE possible. Not saying I think I'm a wanderer, but why laugh at the notion? It IS quite possible that I am. And it IS quite possible that I am not. How would one REALLY be able to tell with such a thick veil of confusion?
By reading it as a joke, i mean i picked up through empathy power. One of various funny talents i over skilled in life. Once i lock unto a soul signature online, i can read their surface intent or emotions. Stronger ones like enmity vs caring, are very easy to distinguish. Thus i did not use indigo chakra to analyze all words and come to a, you are joking, conclusion. I picked it up via heart hreen chakra instead. This is not textual anaylsis. I thought i was doing that fir years. But i can read it if someone wr8tes a single word or sentence. That should be impossible with textual analysis, at least without more samples.
It is not 100 accurate unless i know that person. Empath abilities cannot easily distinguish self vs other self. Confusing.
Your point about fire with fire is apt. I am typing on a phone, so explanation will be less clear. If you have yet to read my short story at the thread about neg to positive switching here in the sub forum, it may help frame the orion viewpoint. But generally, orion shuts out the heart green chakra because they see it as love, borg, assimilation, slavery. They see the se4vice to self path as freedom and victory. Victory at all costs. Orion first. Everbody else last, including orion s servants and vassals. What color were the Borg again? Gene roddenberry btw got his star trek stuff from seances.
Orion does not fight love with love. Love to them is the enemy, literally. They think it is a cult. Anyone that goes in doesn't come out. How many collectives have polarized positive and returned to orion?
It is the Borg, literally, to them. To fight the borg, one must use indigo logic to surpass the power of love. To kill the Creator is the next step.
Re wanderers, perhaps a parable will do. In the hall of the ancients, there was the greatest warrior explorer, who claimed that with his xp, he could go to hell and conquer the affections of all the queen princess waifus there.
I take a peek in 5000 years and see this guy being thrashed around by all the weak girls and waifus. Lol. End of story.
Wanderers can fall down. That is not the funny part.