11-03-2019, 08:36 PM
(10-22-2019, 10:07 AM)Cannon Wrote: I'm aware that the negative being begins to experience more and more amounts of "spiritual entropy" while trying to ascend in the sixth density, but I'm wondering why that is exactly. One assumption that I have is that, in order to value the Self over the Other, one must be able to distinguish between the Self and the Other, and that this perceived separation requires a veil of sorts and, in order to spiritually ascend higher and higher, all veils must eventually be abandoned.
If anyone knows a particular session in the LOO specifically concerning this, I don't, and would very much appreciate being guided to one. Thank you.
On a fundamental spiritual basis, the negative entity starts seeing that there is no way for a finite entity to fully express infinity. There will be always something left out.
Therefore, to be infinite, the negative entity must accept and encompass other entities. Which means that its philosophy before that point was wrong all along, and the external (other) entities were also infinitely important like the negative entity thought itself to be.
On a more practical level, the entity sees that it cannot exist separately from other entities, and what harm other entities experience eventually also affects the negative entity itself. So the negative entity sees that it must also take care of whatever is around it, and must walk through with them altogether.
On an energetic level it becomes impossible to exist by shutting out other entities' thoughts, emotions, and their very being. The spiritual nature of 6d energy and on, carry connectivity inside them. Its inevitable. Therefore the negative entity must oblige by the nature of the vibration of the levels ahead it, and must accept all.