01-15-2011, 03:21 PM
(01-15-2011, 08:33 AM)Amiyou Wrote: It's a bit like science being written in the code language that they mostly use, hiding behind mathmatical equations are beautiful things that most will never know because of the language and methods used to describe it.
I was really just saying, it might be a little more thoughtful for the sake of others to try to keep the language and behaviour a little bit more accessible for people who otherwise have not a lot of chance to see what it is that created that feeling, and as a result those people who currently know only what the television and authorities tell them to know, will continue to be pushed around by those in the world that wish to manipulate their thinking.
there is a point in this. and also, the first post.
some people talk about how they leapt 5 octaves forward, and then came back, how they are actually one with the creation and infinite here and now (in real, not in spirit or principle, actively infinite), this and that.
these dont carry any explanation. any reasoning. anything to ground these with to existing life, or even elementary spiritual concepts. WAY too subjective, and unusable. these are all fancy talk to people who are just starting.
when one shares, s/he should try to share what is shared as concisely and clearly as possible. not just use the communal speaking grounds that was intended for people learning from each other, as a means to just recite their experience for their own sake. this, in itself is also a need. however, there are appropriate sections for that.
then there's responsibility. sharing, is responsibility. if one undertakes it, s/he should try to do it to the best level s/he can, clear, and useful. its one's responsibility towards other selves.
then there is the question of genuineness. some people who think that they are giving energy to other people over a particular ray, may actually be taking that energy, and may not be even aware of that. they may be equating the feeling that one feels when receiving a particular ray, with its giving.
a chakra that is fully open should not incur that situation. in the case of giving out 100%, technically the entity which is giving out that ray 100% should not feel that ray's energy at all, because of radiating it fully.
then again this is probably the reason why entities are mirrors of others, because it is impossible for a truly open entity to know what s/he is like, according to a particular ray's quality. only we can see the effects of our radiation on others, and get to know our own self.
so it is probably this reason, why people who actually claim to be following a particular ray work - like green - to speedily deteriorate to angst, aggression, fighting, when disagreements happen. an entity truly open in the green ray, should not deteriorate into that situation. but, if the entity is taking from a chakra yet, instead of having opened it and giving, it would be normal.