I'm surprised by your post Amiyou - Bring4th was set up to discuss the Ra Material and the language I have seen on this forum on the whole reflects the terminology used in the channelled material. This forum isn't a starting point for people in the early stages of their spiritual journey - if people haven't read the Law of One channellings then this forum really isn't going to make a whole lot of sense in part because of the language used, therefore I don't understand why you would make this post.
If you are nauseated by people discussing experiences as a wanderer, what density might be home and using the phrase love and light, then it makes me wonder whether you have read the Ra Material as these labels are very fully explored within the sessions? For me the label wanderer is a concept that is explanatory, helping me to understand my own experiences - not something that sets me apart from, and certainly not above, anyone else - that completely contradicts the LOO concept. If people are reading heirarchical intent into these labels then I would suggest that is their issue to deal with.
If you are nauseated by people discussing experiences as a wanderer, what density might be home and using the phrase love and light, then it makes me wonder whether you have read the Ra Material as these labels are very fully explored within the sessions? For me the label wanderer is a concept that is explanatory, helping me to understand my own experiences - not something that sets me apart from, and certainly not above, anyone else - that completely contradicts the LOO concept. If people are reading heirarchical intent into these labels then I would suggest that is their issue to deal with.