10-14-2019, 12:47 PM
(10-14-2019, 06:34 AM)rinzler Wrote: Let's take the Root chakra as an example:
1) How do you balance your chakras in a bad environment (e.g you are living in a dangerous part of town but unable to move,...)? Is it possible at at all ?
Please don't say that it's better to try change one's environment. That is simply not possible for the majority of people. See natural resource distribution, place of birth, fincancial assets,parents,health issues etc.. I get that it's always good to try to having one's need met but that only works to a certain extant and most of the time it does not work at all. There are limits.
I have been on both sides of the financial equation. I was never bad enough off to compare with the starving and poverty-sytricken millions you mentioned, but because of the extremity of change I experienced, I have some insight into this question.
Firstly, let me say that it's easy to judge the situation if you really haven't been there. If you (meaning anyone in general) haven't struggled in a seemingly hopeless situation, in particular a survival situation and more particularly for an extended time, then you really have no idea how difficult it is. And it's not only difficult because of your own survival; it highlights without cessation the poor state of humanity in general.
It is enormously challenging to maintain balance when the root chakra/survival is threatened. It involves acceptance of the current situation, without the loss of hope and a vision for the future. Even further, detachment from both the current situation and a future good outcome, yet at the same time, a will to create something better. These are seeming dichotomies, especially in practice. Acceptance comes first, but the issues of anger and resentment must be processed, which can be addressed at least in part by taking full responsibility for your life regardless of injustices and external events.
One key factor is exercise. The human body builds up chemicals such as cortisone from stress, and this is processed through movement (fight-or-flight response). Unfortunately, those with continual low-key depression become immobilized and exercise is the last thing desired. But this is one thing you can make yourself do, and it will help.
Another thing that helps is getting out of the human-made world into nature. And perhaps that isn't possible for some people, but at least then to look at the sky, the stars, clouds, and moon. To remember, and feel, that there is more than this human drama.
Esoteric platitudes simply aren't helpful. For so many starving on this planet, I'm not sure how to advise them. I'm not sure it's possible for such individuals to be balanced in a physical body so compromised. I can only continue to hope for enough evolution of human consciousness to at least share the resources of this beautiful planet—to heal the sick and feed the starving, and free the enslaved.