(09-20-2019, 11:05 PM)Loki Wrote:Quote:Ra: The entity polarizing positively perceives the anger. This entity, if using this catalyst mentally, blesses and loves this anger in itself. It then intensifies this anger consciously in mind alone until the folly of this red-ray energy is perceived not as folly in itself but as energy subject to spiritual entropy due to the randomness of energy being used.
Positive orientation then provides the will and faith to continue this mentally intense experience of letting the anger be understood, accepted, and integrated with the mind/body/spirit complex. The other-self which is the object of anger is thus transformed into an object of acceptance, understanding, and accommodation, all being reintegrated using the great energy which anger began.
I am trying to understand and to extract some sort of method to be able to handle anger the way Ra describes it, but I have problems understanding what/how exactly do I need to do.
How can I love anger when anger makes me hate everything? Should I expect once I love the anger (if I ever) become happy at once?
I know anger uncontrolled ends up causing illnesses but I still don't see a way to turn it into love. If this would be simple the world would be full of love but I see lots of anger instead.
The process of transforming anger is simpler than it sounds. Just don't deny the anger (accept your feelings); allow the anger to take its natural course mentally, not in action (its natural course being erratic, self-promoting, without order); and witness mentally the eventual entropy as the disorganized angry feelings flair and burn themselves out. Because they will if you allow them to express long enough, as the nature of anger is transient and volatile (volatile in the scientific sense). The key is doing it mentally, so as not to infringe on another.
But in order to do this, a level of consciousness and transparency with self must be in place. If there are underlying disconnects with self, such as believing self to be righteous, or a victim, these underlying conditions may skew the exercise.
It's not about forcing self to love others or even self; it's about staying on the path of potential, and conscious intention will be the guide.
The world is full of anger in part because so many humans are relatively asleep to the bigger picture.