09-06-2019, 05:55 AM
My decision to marry my husband was the catalyst for my earth based reality breaking apart.
Ten plus years of a emotionally devastated existence, moving through wet concrete and eventually succumbing by completely shutting down.
My poor mind couldn't take anymore.
I still functioned, I brought a beautiful daughter into this world and somehow managed to care for her, but I was the living dead for a long time.
A nearly fatal illness finally reconnected me to Source.
My entire life was spent rating myself through other's eyes, which resulted in a shell without a reason.
My doubt in myself was/is a direct correlation to doubt in all other humans and doubt in the Source. No wonder I disconnected, I literally had no lifeline, no rudder, no anchor, just bobbing along fearing, hating, denying it all.
As I find deeper connections to Source, I find deeper strength in myself.
We wounded ones should strive to remember, we ARE worthy, if there is but one person worthy, then we ALL are. Either all, or nothing, in this there is no in between.
You all are beautiful, gorgeous, worthy and divine.
When someone says something that makes you doubt yourself, send them love, too.
But use the catalyst of your pain to point the way away from those that hinder you, towards those that support you.
It's tough being an island in this world. Well, for now.
But it's a job we apparently volunteered for.
As I keep having past life memories dropped on me, I now doubt that this is the first time I've stepped up to the plate.
You are worthy, and loving another human in spite of themselves is the way we ascend.
Those that hurt you just haven't decided, yet, to come with us.
Sending you so much love right now. Hugs.
Ten plus years of a emotionally devastated existence, moving through wet concrete and eventually succumbing by completely shutting down.
My poor mind couldn't take anymore.
I still functioned, I brought a beautiful daughter into this world and somehow managed to care for her, but I was the living dead for a long time.
A nearly fatal illness finally reconnected me to Source.
My entire life was spent rating myself through other's eyes, which resulted in a shell without a reason.
My doubt in myself was/is a direct correlation to doubt in all other humans and doubt in the Source. No wonder I disconnected, I literally had no lifeline, no rudder, no anchor, just bobbing along fearing, hating, denying it all.
As I find deeper connections to Source, I find deeper strength in myself.
We wounded ones should strive to remember, we ARE worthy, if there is but one person worthy, then we ALL are. Either all, or nothing, in this there is no in between.
You all are beautiful, gorgeous, worthy and divine.
When someone says something that makes you doubt yourself, send them love, too.
But use the catalyst of your pain to point the way away from those that hinder you, towards those that support you.
It's tough being an island in this world. Well, for now.
But it's a job we apparently volunteered for.
As I keep having past life memories dropped on me, I now doubt that this is the first time I've stepped up to the plate.
You are worthy, and loving another human in spite of themselves is the way we ascend.
Those that hurt you just haven't decided, yet, to come with us.
Sending you so much love right now. Hugs.