(07-30-2019, 01:55 AM)Foha Wrote: What are you thoughts on them?
The sexual energy has to do not only with reproduction but growth. The 7 centers are 7 parts of one thing. So, the red-ray manifestations can't be ignored but accepted.
(07-30-2019, 01:55 AM)Foha Wrote: If you have abstained for a long period of time, did you see any harm in doing so?
In the really, it's recommend in many esoteric sources the abstinence of orgasm. Because the orgasm would be a waste of this energy. However, Ra used the word orgasm positively.
The only possible problem would be sexual distortions due the repression of the desires and feelings. Therefore, is recommended the careful deal with possible desires in MENTAL LEVEL. The thoughts must be transmuted.
Now I see the transmutation of the sexual energy as the main importance on this question, with or without orgasm. I suggest you search about tantra. A book I recommend is "Sexual Energy and Yoga" (author was cited in LOO).