Hum, there are lots of interesting thoughts in here. Definitely making a lot of headway with understanding the elements.
I am not going to add too much, but I would like to point out that in the Kabbalistic tradition if you are going based on the Sepher Yetzirah then the process of the creation of the elements starts with Spirit. From Spirit is formed the Air. From the Air was formed Water, and then from the Water was formed Fire.
This is probably opposite to a lot of people who usually associated Fire with being close to Spirit, but as the animating principle it actually makes sense to come last. That which invigorates and spurs to action all the 'designs' in the Mind of God.
I am not going to add too much, but I would like to point out that in the Kabbalistic tradition if you are going based on the Sepher Yetzirah then the process of the creation of the elements starts with Spirit. From Spirit is formed the Air. From the Air was formed Water, and then from the Water was formed Fire.
This is probably opposite to a lot of people who usually associated Fire with being close to Spirit, but as the animating principle it actually makes sense to come last. That which invigorates and spurs to action all the 'designs' in the Mind of God.