01-08-2011, 03:17 PM
Quote:There is a thread on another forum about a 3d entity and 4d entity interacting. the 4d entity knows that if she were manifest in her 4d body before the 3d entity, it would basically destroy the 3d entity (due to collision).
firstly, that is way too far fetched. first, ra describes the 4d material as the material that appears when ectoplasm is produced in a seance. in no such seance, people have died due to interaction with ectoplasm, or any product that was created in seance that caused ectoplasm's creation.
second, we are told that the 3d entity would find 4d environments 'very uncomfortable'. not lethal. 4d vibrations are here since 1937, and strengthening. its about to settle this year or so. people are not dropping like flies. one could say that there may not be enough concentration of 4d vibration to cause this, however, in spiritual get-togethers, workshops etc in amiable conditions (positive-feel countryside etc), noticeable energy is produced, and yet, its not causing anyone to die or get crippled, if they are not vibrating in that spectrum. at most, people are finding it very discomfortable and 'weird' or 'eerie', if they are not compatible.
Quote:Because natural processes always produce compatible 3d and 4d manifestation, and because 3d cannot manifest 4d material, any collision would be the result of a 4d's entity's will. Apparently early 4D don't understand how their bodies are manifested, but can learn to control this manifestation (at least at 3d level) through their volition. This 4D learning apparently takes a long time.
3d entity can manifest ectoplasm, the 4d material, as we are told by Ra. so, a 3d body incarnation is capable of manifesting 4d material.
the control mechanism might be there. however, it may also be natural result of a more fluid vibration - if you just consider the consciousness of an entity as vibration (since everything is actually) it would be just natural for a vibration generator to affect vibrations around it.
however, control mechanism doesnt provide for non collusion. controllable doesnt imply noncollideable. in the end, its something that vibrates in the green spectrum, and the other, is in yellow spectrum. if, there had been any aspect to it, there had to be similar differentiations in between 1 and 2d and 2 and 3d, in changing levels.
yet, 1, 2, 3d exist materially in the same location.
the 'spheres' however different. 3d entities do not live with 2d entities, with a few exceptions. 3d sphere and its vibrations are therefore concentrated and manifested where 3d entities are concentrated with vibrations.
now, if we move from here, we can easily understand the 'green and yellow spheres overlap because there are 3-4d entities' concept. currently, there are no different 'spheres', aka concentrations of entities in between 3 and 4d. all entities, 4d activated or not, live together in 3d environments. all the 4d thoughts, feelings going about and 3d thoughts feelings going about fly around in the same time/space. moreover, they interact with each other. it becomes hard for 4d entities to live in 3d environments, which fees very 'heavy' and inducing 'wear and tear' increasingly in ways they cannot precisely explain (judging from what people convey), and 3d entities are rather annoyed by 4d entities due to myriad of reasons.
this, makes the two spheres overlap... if, we separate 4d entities and they start living in separate places than 3d sphere, then there will occur two different spheres, with 4d feelings and vibrations concentrating in different sections of planet, and 3d vibrations again in different sections. vibration concentration would make the 4d 'sphere' more fluid, more easy to be affected by 4d vibrations hence more 'controllable' as you put it. and 'lighter'. 3d vibrations, would stay 3d.
and there would indeed be a need for 4d entities to be able to learn and start hiding themselves from 3d entities.
see, up till this very point, there is nothing suggesting the possibility of different dimensionality.