07-08-2019, 08:24 AM
OK...according to Ra, the purpose of incarnation is to "seek and become one with the creator" even though the separation is itself an illusion because the infinite creator is ALL things and I or we cannot exist outside of that. Got it.
This path towards spiritual evolution involves the awareness of unity and behaving accordingly. This means treating all as one. The trick is, in order to do this, we need the appearance of individuation to establish a me and a you so that I can come to the conclusion that there is no me and you. Got it.
So, in order to live in accord with the Law of One, I need to polarize towards service to all, which is ultimately service to self because all is one. The implication of polarizing towards something means I am also polarizing away from something else. This means that in order to realize unity, I must operate in duality even though duality is the illusion I am trying to awaken from. Meep.
Duality, then, is just a tool for our growth. Everything other than "me" is a point of reference that I can use for self definition as something I am or am not. The problem is that by fashioning a specific polarized identity from a field of all possible identities as a way to seek unity, I reinforce individuality and therefore duality. Unity will not help me realize unity. Duality will.
It all sounds very confusing and contradictory, but I find comfort with Ra's statement that this "is not a dimension of knowing" (61.9) and that, "The proper role of the entity is in this density to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling from them the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away."(18.5).
Not so much a paradox resolved as reframed.
This path towards spiritual evolution involves the awareness of unity and behaving accordingly. This means treating all as one. The trick is, in order to do this, we need the appearance of individuation to establish a me and a you so that I can come to the conclusion that there is no me and you. Got it.
So, in order to live in accord with the Law of One, I need to polarize towards service to all, which is ultimately service to self because all is one. The implication of polarizing towards something means I am also polarizing away from something else. This means that in order to realize unity, I must operate in duality even though duality is the illusion I am trying to awaken from. Meep.
Duality, then, is just a tool for our growth. Everything other than "me" is a point of reference that I can use for self definition as something I am or am not. The problem is that by fashioning a specific polarized identity from a field of all possible identities as a way to seek unity, I reinforce individuality and therefore duality. Unity will not help me realize unity. Duality will.
It all sounds very confusing and contradictory, but I find comfort with Ra's statement that this "is not a dimension of knowing" (61.9) and that, "The proper role of the entity is in this density to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling from them the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away."(18.5).
Not so much a paradox resolved as reframed.