06-28-2019, 08:22 AM
(06-28-2019, 06:06 AM)loostudent Wrote: Now let's look at some relations and correspondences.
The flow of life: it comes from water and goes to earth.
Water fuels earth. Air fuels fire.
Water balances fire. Air (sky) balances earth. (And vice versa.)
Water lifts up in air and falls down on ground. Movement up can be ascesis, effort, earnings. Movement down: blessing, grace, undeserved gift. The Heavenly Father "sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."
I'm not sure about male/female principle correspondence. Mabye fire - male and water - female.
With the elemental symbols, one can think of air as negative fire, and fire as positive air. Water is negative earth and earth is positive water. This is congruent with your statement that air fuels fire and water fuels earth. Also the flow of life! It starts in water and goes to earth. Metaphysically this is also true. Water represents the foundation of the form, and earth represents the physical manifestation of the form.
For the male/female polarity of the elements, I agree with you. Fire/air are masculine (force; active), and water/earth are feminine (form; passive).
In Qabalah, Tetragrammaton is an Elemental Name:
Yod י - Fire, the Father
Heh ה - Water, the Mother
Vav ו - Air, the Son
final Heh ה - Earth, the Daughter