06-15-2019, 09:09 AM
Amazing loostudent!! This is exactly the kind of information I am looking for. I think that I should meditate on the elements now. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that, lol.
I am planning an exercise which builds up “telesmic images” of the archangels. The first step is to “build up” the rough shape of a body using Elemental energy. So knowing the good and bad qualities of the elements is very helpful. It needs to be consistent with the archangel because these telesmic images are meant to act as a kind of channel. It gives more power to rituals like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or the setting of the Wards of Power (basically the same thing as the LBRP). Because the visualizations and invocations are more focused and concrete in our consciousness.
Thank you again!
I am planning an exercise which builds up “telesmic images” of the archangels. The first step is to “build up” the rough shape of a body using Elemental energy. So knowing the good and bad qualities of the elements is very helpful. It needs to be consistent with the archangel because these telesmic images are meant to act as a kind of channel. It gives more power to rituals like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or the setting of the Wards of Power (basically the same thing as the LBRP). Because the visualizations and invocations are more focused and concrete in our consciousness.
Thank you again!