06-14-2019, 06:36 AM
Quote:Reunification with the Creator means two things.
1) The ultimate goal of physical incarnation is to come to know and experience the Creator within so you may experience creative agency in the dream that is individuated being. This is one way in which reunification with the Creator is possible in any incarnation or density of experience.
2) By coming to know and experience the Creator within, you set yourself on a path to return to the Absolute, or the density of experience that is complete and utter communion with the Creator. This is different from coming to know the Creator within in any given incarnation.
This is not unique to anyone or anything. All are on this path.
Serving the self and serving others, as were the primary polarizations of "old Earth," are both forms of serving aspects of the Creator. Missing the forest for the trees, if you will. Serving the Creator / the All entails no discrimination between any one thing or person, as all are the Creator in the first place. Service to the All. Acting in this manner is very beneficial for the spiritual growth of an individuated soul and its collective. This is the primary difference between our previous Third and current Fourth Density Earth.
Damn, some good stuff here.
I have to say, though, I had a reaction to the HH material. A visceral one. Of course a few posters are reporting having a positive "this person is from my soulgroup" reaction to EMT here, I did not experience that sensation whereas... I did with HH. I do feel though I've learned something already.
It's interesting, EMT basically posits we've already gone through harvest; if we're here we graduated 4D positive. I suppose we're in a transitional period as the timelines are splitting back off now that all the souls have been sorted. It is no longer about STS/STO but STA/STO because everyone that is here is STO oriented, even if imperfectly so. I have always felt media tries to make humans out to be worse than they are, that the real people I encounter are awesome. I CAN believe that we are already in 4D positive and we're just acting as if we were still in 3D neutral.
On being asked if they had powers the average human did not.
Quote:I hear fully composed pieces of beautiful music when I completely quiet myself. I can change my physical attributes - like eyesight, hearing acuity, height, etc.- at will, though I am very unpracticed and doing so takes immense amounts of time (to the tune of weeks for some, years for others). I rarely blink and can choose not to indefinitely if I focus.The first one happens to me.
These aspects of being and creativity are available to everyone. Many simple are unaware of the fact they can develop them.