06-12-2019, 04:35 PM
(06-12-2019, 09:47 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: So, let’s talk about the elements. What do you know about the four elements? I’ve by no means covered it all. Id like to get a deeper understanding of these principles.
A couple things to consider then:
The 4 classical elements (+ the fifth/quintessential "ether") are Greek/European in origin. This is important to note due to differences between planetary/racial minds (Greeks/Europeans being Atlantean, being Martian). Ask the descendants of Mu/Lemuria (Chinese, Eskimos, Native Americans, etc; being Denebians) and they'll tell you there's 5 elements including wood (2D body/flesh) and metal, but no air. How do you reconcile these discrepancies? Which one is more accurate? Or, could it be (gasp!), that both models are flawed as are so many things "philosophized" by a 3D mind?
You're looking at things from a very qabalistic/Judaic perspective, which some may find unnecessarily abstruse/convoluted. Just because Ra played along with Don too, doesn't mean these "elements" were anything more than poetic/symbolic representations. A workable system for those that may find use in such things (like the tarot or astrology). But ultimately the work of a 3D mind seeing things from its 3D-tainted glasses.
Perhaps, if you wish for a "cleaner" understanding of the elements (1D), it might be advisable to take a look at the the Earth (planet) during the Hadean eon, before 2D begun, and dwell therein. Pure, unadulterd elemental awareness. And bear in mind: 1D spends most of its cycle in a non-physical, timeless state, coming straight outta the Creator itself.
Might be worthwhile reconsidering this notion that 1D represents some "gross physical plane".