06-11-2019, 02:08 PM
(06-11-2019, 01:30 PM)Medicus Wrote: Q: Also, what do you think about the concept of a solar flash, or energetic burst from the center of the galaxy impacting Earth and assisting with DNA upgrades?
A: This is surprisingly accurate.
Sound like the transition to 4D to anyone else?
Yes Ra did mention that it's the process of evolution of our bodies that slowly bring us into being able to be aware of 4d.
(06-11-2019, 01:30 PM)Medicus Wrote: Q: organisations - you mentioned there are counterparts of you. Can you explain the 2 groups more and their goals etc?
A: My counterpart is an amalgamation of "bloodlines" who eons ago entered into an agreement with this planetary Creator to induce spiritual evolution in its inhabitants, and therefor itself. They are individuated souls that together comprise the oversoul/groupsoul of Venus.
Before this agreement, Earth was a paradise. In essence - only good, no evil. However, because its inhabitants were not given the ability to choose between these paths, no spiritual growth was occurring either for them or their planetary Logos. My counterpart was summoned here to provide the ability for the inhabitants of this planet to know and experience both good and evil. As such, they conduct themselves in a manner most would consider despicable. They incur a great "Karmic" debt in doing so, but as a result, Earth's planetary Logos and inhabitants have undergone immense spiritual growth. This is key, as the primary "goal," if you can call it that (it is more like an inevitability), of physical incarnation is to come to know the Creator within and eventually return to the state of being that is total and complete reunion with Him.
The duty of my group is to document the process, keep our counterpart in check should we determine they step too far in any one direction, and maintain record of both Fundamental Law and this planetary Logos's "Ideal Law."
Seems to be consistant with the HH material. Interesting that he says that the "cabal" is from Venus when Ra says the same.
Yep, I don't know if he'll be back on GLP, but I did ask about that. Which means it would be Ra or a part of Ra.
(06-11-2019, 01:30 PM)Medicus Wrote: Q: Can you give any specific details about the frequency barrier that is in place around this solar system/construct? How is it maintained and why?
A: There are "barriers" of sorts around each and every Logos and density. This is a result of the Law of Light, or Sovereignty. It is also the mechanism by which souls who incarnate into any density of experience are encouraged to immerse themselves within said density as opposed to exploring that which they are not necessarily ready, or sincerely willing, to explore. There are barriers around this solar system just as there are barriers around planets. Have you happened to read of the Van Allen radiation belt?
Another explanation for the barrier around earth Ra speaks of?
I don't know if the belt has a relationship with the quarantine per se. I do not really resonate with us not being able to go outside it in space though. I think the USA actually really did go to the moon. I'm just weird like that.