(06-03-2019, 02:30 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Wow, Minyatur. What you said makes me not really look forward to fifth density, where you learn wisdom.
You mentioned that balancing love with wisdom is a harsher incarnation.
Ra says fifth density is incredibly free.
Does this mean that after a very loving fourth density, you have to face unpleasant truths in fifth density?
Well you can consider that the lessons of wisdom end with harvesting into the density of Unity, which equally signifies all things. So I think the end of 5D is realizing the essence that all things really are. You learn of the deeper mechanics of manifestation and see much more the effect of what you do or did, but realize that for everything you put out there is a counter balance and so you cannot prevent anything. There will always be infinite opportunity and all colors are part of Unity. I think how things really work is disheartening to an entity that harvests from 4D, but it will learn to accept and find love in the transcendant interconnection that manifests Infinity.
I think in 6D you have to balance wisdom with love and love with wisdom because things have to move forward in time. Your love needs to grow as balanced with wisdom and your wisdom needs to not keep you stuck from playing the game of duality and paradox. What you contain needs to be expressed even if you know better.
There seems to be a misconception that balancing wisdom with love is about not being compassionate toward others, while I think it is more about balancing the lower rays. Let's say that you contain anger but in your wisdom you know that anger is not justified and so refrain from allowing yourself the right to live this anger. To more fully connect to unconditional love starts with what you contain, so you have to accept this love and allow it its need to express and be released. If you disallow yourself to live these things, you become less emotional in general and so your energy field may be more balanced than another but it won't either be very open. So in general balancing love with wisdom is about balancing your energy field into alignment and balancing wisdom with love is about not disallowing yourself to feel whatever color of what you feel or to be open to contain an energy. While in wisdom anger may seem unjustified, in Unity and love it is valid to have its place within things and that is what it means to be unconditional/compassionate toward it.