05-28-2019, 08:49 AM
I have completed all of the meditations in the Book of Tokens by Paul Foster Case. It took a few months but it was absolutely worth it. I finished it with a strong feeling of gratitude.
There was an “Epilogos” on MALKUTH at the very end of the book. It is very much related to the Great Way of the Spirit. So I am going to share part of it here: **(GUPH is the physical body)
It’s a few pages long, so I tried to quote only the portion that is relevant to Arcanum XXI The Universe. It goes on to say that LOVE is the way, not reason. Love comes before reason lest reason be barren and sterile.
Beautiful, wise, loving!
There was an “Epilogos” on MALKUTH at the very end of the book. It is very much related to the Great Way of the Spirit. So I am going to share part of it here: **(GUPH is the physical body)
Quote:In the physical universe of GUPH
Is the breaking up of the ONE into the four
which are the basis of the many.
And to MALKUTH is the GUPH attributed, Because the GUPH cometh not to perfection
but by the formation of bodies.
It is written that “KETHER is in MALKUTH and MALKUTH is in KETHER,
but after a different manner.”
In KETHER I am the ONE, the Indivisible, But in MALKUTH that same ONE,
Which I AM,
Appeareth as four and cometh into manifestation
As the ten which returneth unto the ONE.
But to enter the Kingdom there must always be two,
For the Wheel turneth not
but by the alternation of opposite forces.
Yet my Kingdom of ADONAI is not the kingdom
of this world’s illusion;
And the bodies of the servants of ADONAI
Must be freed from that illusion
Ere they may serve as transparent channels
For the Light which descendeth from Above.
The law of ADONAI is other than the laws of men; For in the laws of men hath entered confusion.
This must needs be,
Since mankind still remaineth a work unfinished. Yet be on guard,
Ye who seek to be numbered amongst
the sons and daughters of the true Israel,
Lest ye mistake the half-formed concepts
of an earlier stage of growth for final truths.
The Great Work directeth itself always
toward the building of the Temple of ADONAI,
And in its earlier stages there are needs which do not continue
throughout the building process.
Yet men mistake the scaffolding for the building itself, And thus pay idolatrous reverence to old rules
which have no longer any useful purpose. Watch therefore, O ye who would rule
as the Lord ruleth,
Lest ye usurp the rights of the Lord.
His and His alone, is the Temple,
And ye who are concerned with the building
are not its owners.
Not thine but Mine is the work.
Not thine but Mine is the Temple;
For Me and Me only is it planned and built,
And Mine are the ordinances established
For thy guidance in the service of the Light.
For truly is KETHER in MALKUTH,
And in KETHER I dwell solitary without a second.
What think ye then,
Hath any man or woman
A right of ownership higher than Mine?
Mine is thy body,
Thou who seekest to find Me. Mine and Mine alone.
Mine is the Substance of all that cometh into manifestation through the thought, or
word or action of any of Mine instruments.
Never shall they who remain deluded by the illusion of separateness become clear channels
for the Outpouring of My Will,
Until all the follies of “thine” and “mine” are cleared out by the
irresistible downpouring of My Power...
It’s a few pages long, so I tried to quote only the portion that is relevant to Arcanum XXI The Universe. It goes on to say that LOVE is the way, not reason. Love comes before reason lest reason be barren and sterile.
Quote:Yet is all this naught but words, Without the key supplied
by the understanding heart. Love is that key.
Love, not reason;
For reason followeth after love,
And when reason would enslave love, Then is reason but a tyrant
Punishing itself with what it trieth in vain
to enslave.
Love cometh first as thou mayest see in Tarot, Where the Empress cometh before the Emperor. Without love reason is sterile,
For love is the generatrix of true imagery. Reason can arrange, reason can harvest;
But the harvester weareth also
the mask of death.
So this thy body is the instrument Whereon may be played the Song of Life. Nay,itismorethanthis;
For on this harp of ten thousand strings, The wind of the Spirit moveth ever,
And soundeth night and day the melodies
and harmonies of that Eternal Song.
Beautiful, wise, loving!