05-21-2019, 08:14 AM
The following are not quotes. They are my interpretations of what I think our sky friends said. (My interpretations could be incorrect!) For each, I listed the date of the transcript for those who want to read the actual conversation.
In this universe everything is energy. Mass is an illusion created by gravity. Gravity is a mystery to Earth scientists.
Electricity, electronics and electromagnetics all work based on principles that are completely mysterious to Earth scientists. But they do work, and they work according to natural law. (Hatonn, January 15, 1989)
Energies involved in electricity and gravity are spiritual in nature.
Because we on Earth do not understand, for us, the universe loses the unique cosmology it deserves, which is the cosmology of spirit and consciousness. (Yom June 9, 1985)
The binding quality of love holds the creation together. (Latwii, January 15, 1989)
Light is created from love. Light is the physical manifestation of compassionate wisdom. The light of the sun is the nearest and most obvious manifestation of Love. (Hatonn, February 19, 1989)
Time is an illusion. Space is an illusion. Your consciousness is not! Work with your consciousness until you are happier with yourself today than yesterday. Never be discouraged. Each new day is a new start. (Latwii, March 25, 1989)
Early in creation, the Creator created a principle or Thought, which was Love. Love chose to create the particle called the photon.
The sun moves with a constant rate of speed. This velocity organizes and is the tune of love. It both is and moves. It is that which creates space and time.
Everything within your local region of creation is based on fractions of the speed of light. The photon creates all that there is locally by the creation of vibratory energy patterns in a severely hierarchical and mathematical order. (Yom, April 16, 1989)
When you study the mysteries of your existence, you are attempting to penetrate the nature of love, which according to the vibrations of light has formed all that is. You were designed as a kitten with free will so that you could romp and play in the fields of experience that are made possible by the vibrational frequencies of the light which enfolds you and the love which empowers you. (Yom, April 16, 1989)
On Earth there is a fatal flaw within science. Science has mistakenly assumed that it is separate from spirituality. It is not yet evident that science and spirituality are one. (Q’uo, April 30, 1989)
We see the universe as a live organism, whereas you tend to see the universe as a static inert entity. Because the creation is an infinity, there are no numbers, but love/light creating manifestation, and light moving toward love creating experience. Natural laws distort eternal truths into observed truths. This key is difficult for scientists and mathematicians. The creation is quite simply a mystery. One thing is for sure. All things are made of love, and free will acting on love to produce light which can create and manifest matter. (Hatonn, October 28, 1990)
Space, which has long been considered a vacuum, is far more intensely packed with love and light of the one infinite Creator, than are the atoms of matter. (Q’uo, November 27, 2002)
Future technologies will cooperate with light, rather than control light. (Q’uo, May 25, 2003)
Solid matter is actually made up largely of space in which there is no mass and is very thinly populated by energy vortices. The energy that created all that there is, is the energy of love.
All parts of the universe communicate and are connected with all other parts of the universe, so that the universe is one thing. (Q’uo, February 18, 2007)
Since the time of Nikola the technology has existed to design devices that could tap into the energy of the Earth. They were seen by some to be threats to the economic equilibrium. Such knowledge and technology have been ruthlessly removed from the public domain as soon as forces of government and world economy became aware of them. (Q’uo, October 25, 2008)
It had been intended by Nikola Tesla to free the people of Earth from darkness, and give them the infinite energy of the planetary sphere for use in lighting and power. (Ra, January 28, 1981)
From our perspective, there is no difference between the science of mathematics and the science of music. (Q’uo, January 23, 2010)
The Creator is love. Love is the force that creates. Light is what it creates. Matter is composed of light. Jesus was able by the simple expression of love to cause light to return things considered imperfect back to their intended perfect condition. This was how his healing was accomplished.
This is how all spiritual healing is accomplished. In fact, this is how all healing is accomplished, although your scientists are not currently aware of this. (Hatonn, February 11, 1974)
When Jesus said that if you feed a hungry person or clothe someone who is naked, you did it to him. This is because all of Creation is one. Through faith you can begin to understand that every person you serve is one with the Creator. (Hatonn, June 29, 1974)
So, as a conclusion, is both dark energy and dark matter some yet to be understood aspects of love?
In this universe everything is energy. Mass is an illusion created by gravity. Gravity is a mystery to Earth scientists.
Electricity, electronics and electromagnetics all work based on principles that are completely mysterious to Earth scientists. But they do work, and they work according to natural law. (Hatonn, January 15, 1989)
Energies involved in electricity and gravity are spiritual in nature.
Because we on Earth do not understand, for us, the universe loses the unique cosmology it deserves, which is the cosmology of spirit and consciousness. (Yom June 9, 1985)
The binding quality of love holds the creation together. (Latwii, January 15, 1989)
Light is created from love. Light is the physical manifestation of compassionate wisdom. The light of the sun is the nearest and most obvious manifestation of Love. (Hatonn, February 19, 1989)
Time is an illusion. Space is an illusion. Your consciousness is not! Work with your consciousness until you are happier with yourself today than yesterday. Never be discouraged. Each new day is a new start. (Latwii, March 25, 1989)
Early in creation, the Creator created a principle or Thought, which was Love. Love chose to create the particle called the photon.
The sun moves with a constant rate of speed. This velocity organizes and is the tune of love. It both is and moves. It is that which creates space and time.
Everything within your local region of creation is based on fractions of the speed of light. The photon creates all that there is locally by the creation of vibratory energy patterns in a severely hierarchical and mathematical order. (Yom, April 16, 1989)
When you study the mysteries of your existence, you are attempting to penetrate the nature of love, which according to the vibrations of light has formed all that is. You were designed as a kitten with free will so that you could romp and play in the fields of experience that are made possible by the vibrational frequencies of the light which enfolds you and the love which empowers you. (Yom, April 16, 1989)
On Earth there is a fatal flaw within science. Science has mistakenly assumed that it is separate from spirituality. It is not yet evident that science and spirituality are one. (Q’uo, April 30, 1989)
We see the universe as a live organism, whereas you tend to see the universe as a static inert entity. Because the creation is an infinity, there are no numbers, but love/light creating manifestation, and light moving toward love creating experience. Natural laws distort eternal truths into observed truths. This key is difficult for scientists and mathematicians. The creation is quite simply a mystery. One thing is for sure. All things are made of love, and free will acting on love to produce light which can create and manifest matter. (Hatonn, October 28, 1990)
Space, which has long been considered a vacuum, is far more intensely packed with love and light of the one infinite Creator, than are the atoms of matter. (Q’uo, November 27, 2002)
Future technologies will cooperate with light, rather than control light. (Q’uo, May 25, 2003)
Solid matter is actually made up largely of space in which there is no mass and is very thinly populated by energy vortices. The energy that created all that there is, is the energy of love.
All parts of the universe communicate and are connected with all other parts of the universe, so that the universe is one thing. (Q’uo, February 18, 2007)
Since the time of Nikola the technology has existed to design devices that could tap into the energy of the Earth. They were seen by some to be threats to the economic equilibrium. Such knowledge and technology have been ruthlessly removed from the public domain as soon as forces of government and world economy became aware of them. (Q’uo, October 25, 2008)
It had been intended by Nikola Tesla to free the people of Earth from darkness, and give them the infinite energy of the planetary sphere for use in lighting and power. (Ra, January 28, 1981)
From our perspective, there is no difference between the science of mathematics and the science of music. (Q’uo, January 23, 2010)
The Creator is love. Love is the force that creates. Light is what it creates. Matter is composed of light. Jesus was able by the simple expression of love to cause light to return things considered imperfect back to their intended perfect condition. This was how his healing was accomplished.
This is how all spiritual healing is accomplished. In fact, this is how all healing is accomplished, although your scientists are not currently aware of this. (Hatonn, February 11, 1974)
When Jesus said that if you feed a hungry person or clothe someone who is naked, you did it to him. This is because all of Creation is one. Through faith you can begin to understand that every person you serve is one with the Creator. (Hatonn, June 29, 1974)
So, as a conclusion, is both dark energy and dark matter some yet to be understood aspects of love?