05-20-2019, 11:18 AM
(05-20-2019, 09:27 AM)kristina Wrote:(05-19-2019, 01:34 AM)Relaxo Wrote: Putting this out there for the mod team:
I've said this before in pm - now saying it here publicly - moderation is ridiculously lenient... newbies should be put on probation to show they can behave politely and in a civil manner... there should be a questionnaire asked to be read and signed; as well as reading and signing that you expressly agree with the forum guidelines
B4 - for years now has needed some form of 'gatekeeping'... because without it - there's no duty of care.
I don't want probation.....I only wanted to hear others and learn more of the Law of One. I also wanted to see my own distortions and learn from them as well. Isn't that what is taking place here in this thread? Part of learning to balance the self is to see the self in relation to the other self even in the wake of extreme discord. Relaxo. I love you. Please....I don't want probabtion!
Glow mentioned it was how a forum she joined went about things... and it came up because we've had a new forum member - only 3 weeks since joining, on b4th shouting in caps at people telling them they're "FULL OF HATE!!" etc and - "oh here's the most hated person (about me)" etc... and then Cyan joining in saying to me f*** off dirtbag despite me telling him I have cared about him...
nb- womyn is a very old feminist spelling... I'm surprised he knows it...another one is wimmin
Drastic abuse calls for 'drastic' changes - but why would you be put on probation?
You've just read from Jade, the abuse mods receive (in pm's) and how over this they are... they're burnt out - I also knew this from pm's over a long while... and I know Jade has experienced bullying before and since she's been a mod. She's an incredibly patient loving person.
There's a LOT of time consuming work in moderation... reading everything - keeping up with all the threads...
I've had bullying occur to me here under past accounts... and I'm quite hated by at least 2 current members and now from this thread - it's very clear to me that 2 more people hate me... I can handle it these days - but it's been a 'wild ride'... fortunately I've learnt a lot from it all - but several years ago I was very very suicidal and this place hurt me badly
I have friends who want to join b4 but who literally would become too stressed/depressed or hurt by energies/interactions here...

this place can be hostile so much of the time. The other thing I want to say - is that moderation (a feeling of safety) would mean the conversations would increase... this place has dwindled over the years to sometimes so few new posts and just a small few regular 'voices'... so ideas of moderation making people leave are incorrect imo - people leave all the time (or are silent) because of the lack of guidelines for behaviour being enforced.
As you heard - Jade' identifies as an anarchist... I was a anarchist Punk who listened to the Sex Pistols etc in high-school in the 70's - I was one of the people who openly challenged the staid conservative values of the 1950's and then the hippie culture of the 60's... we were intense, we invented moshpits, we had mohawks and pierced faces, and were intensely anti establishment...that was 30-40 years ago... so when I come across as bossy and heavy handed and SJW 'left wing' it's because I was part of a social revolution pre technology that was part of a massive shift that allows you the greater freedom of opinion and expression in the world you live in today... the freedom to think differently...
I'm not saying 'oh I'm so amazing' - I'm saying in 40 years imagine how it will be for the currently younger members on this forum then facing people talking down to you for whatever reason. I remember and lived through a time when I couldn't walk ONE BLOCK down a street without being catcalled, groped or leered at like a piece of meat... where I didn't get jobs I was even over qualified for because a man was ALWAYS preferred - for eg I auditioned for a thrash metal band as lead singer and they chose a guy who could hardly sing (I had opera training as well as metal experience) - but he had long hair and was a male. The list goes on. Just as much as I don't know about your lives - you younger people don't know about mine. I was counter culture before it was a 'thing'. My grandmother was born when there were NO CARS... it was horses people! horses!....
I've lived most of my life without this medium I'm using right here... and telephones were attached to the wall! I did a university degree in sound production in analogue- it's a redundant degree because
So just as I can't imagine no cars - you can't imagine my life...for eg- it's blown my mind to find out caring about 'social justice' is supposedly a bad thing... that "SJW" is an insult? All I know is that social justice is STO - do unto others as you'd have them do unto you... that's how i was raised
anyway - one of the things- no matter how wild and crazy and anarchist I was - was respectful and kind to older people. I wanted to listen and learn- because i knew one day it would be me - just as the same will be for younger members here.
I also look back on how self focused I was - how emotionally volatile, how melodramatic, and how confused and lost I felt. I hated feeling powerless, I hated my parents saying 'one day you'll understand'. But there are ways in which I now see what a total pain in the ass I was. How ignorant, know-it all and rude- belligerent.
As you get older - you get a wider perspective and you begin to see how very little you know - because there's just so much to know.... I look back at my ideas and I'm like wow yes

anyway... you can be Punk and polite... and I've learnt not to let people disrespect me.
we teach people how we want to be treated by what we will and won't allow... same for a forum... L/L put those guidelines in place FOR A REASON...
remember we're not running it or doing the hard work... or keeping the legacy alive