(05-19-2019, 08:38 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: XXI. The Universe
The bottom of this card has me thinking a lot. The female is playing a harp, and this harp has the head of a man. The top most portion of the card shows us the realization of the Great Way, or as the Ra Material puts it, contact with Intelligent Infinity. Ra also says the use of intelligent energy.
The dove is surrounded by the shape of a square of the Holy Living Creatures and a circle of flowers. The flowers are similar to the Significator of Spirit, the Sun. Which has a connection to the Great Way.
Maybe it’s just me, but I see a square shape, so it suggests to me that the great way is realized within the material illusion but the dove is surrounded by a circle, which is magical and suggests time/space.
Note: I replaced the picture with the older version because I like it better.
The creatures around the bird represent the 4 elements.
The lion represents fire. The goat represents earth (sometimes this is replaced with a bull or calf as in your image). The bird represents air. And the face represents water. The bird centered in the middle represents the integration of the 4 elements. The flowers surrounding it, with 3 petal each represent the integration of mind, body, and spirit. They also represent beauty and the 12 astrological signs. Of course, you will get different answers to what represents what, but this is my interpretation.
The elements arranged in this fashion represent the pentagram, an archetypal spiritual magical structure used for opening a gateway to intelligent infinity. That is what it is used for, and why you see it pop up in so many different cultures.
Again, as I said you will get a lot of different answers as to what represents what, so the only way you can know if I'm right or wrong about these correspondences is to do a lot of inner work. The lion represents the astrological sign Leo, a fire sign. The bird represents Gemini, an air sign. The face represents Pisces, a water sign. And the goat represents Capricorn, an earth sign.
(05-19-2019, 08:38 AM)Nau7ik Wrote: My rough interpretation is that the female depicts the body and the male the mind. The body and mind work in harmony which allows for the realization of the great way of spirit, contact with intelligent Infinity. The Universe is open to the seeker.
I’m not entirely sure though. That’s what I’m having trouble with, what exactly do the male and female correspond to? It doesn’t make sense that the body plays the mind. It’s the other way around. So then maybe I’m not understanding what the figures are intended to represent.
The female playing the strings of the instrument with the male face represents a being who is operating almost totally from intuition rather than logical analysis.
When one penetrates intelligent infinity, the intuition guides the actor, and because it is operating from a state of pure connection, the outcome is the manifestation of the harmony of the elements which, again, is what the pentagram is. It is an archetypal structure and symbol of the elements working in such conjunction that one is able to open the gateway, bringing infinite intelligence through.