(05-19-2019, 08:02 AM)Infinite Wrote: Curious. I read the whole LOO, but not remember of Ra talking about of three dimensions of time and three dimensions of space.
I could be just completely out of my gourd. ;)
(05-19-2019, 08:02 AM)Infinite Wrote: I believe they used the term "quantum" many times as density or sub-densities.
Do you have an example where they used quantum to refer to sub-density? I would be interested to see that if you have an example.
(05-19-2019, 08:02 AM)Infinite Wrote: Here other examples:
Quote:H2: I have another question, since you’re here, Latwii. It’s something you said several weeks ago, when you were talking about the color green and its filling a room in which we dwelled in another part—not here but somewhere else—and you also said that you were enjoying our fifth dimension—I assume the vibration of our fifth dimension. Does that mean that we exist elsewhere as well as here?
It is not a question of location, my brother, for the dimensions are interpenetrating. However, you exist in denser and denser vibrations, according to your abilities. All of you exist into the fourth dimension, and there are adepts among you who are working at this time, actively, in the fifth dimension and are attempting to understand some of the teachings of the inner realms of the sixth dimension. There are a few people who work as far as the eighth, but there are two within this room who have seen it in visions and are aware of its nature, although they could not maintain it for any length of time. This is the octave of your universe, and these are the dimensions of that octave. To go beyond that, you must be free of your chemical body; and therefore we are talking to a roomful of those who are not going to be doing that any time terribly soon; however, there are many, many infinities to explore within those dimensions and much wisdom to learn. Therefore, we urge you onward; for the path becomes lighter, the teachings truer, and the laughter happier.
You see here it appears to me, that again they are referring to densities. When they talk about some utilizing the 8th level, in my opinion they are referring to the octave density, because there is no 8th subdensity. When they say we all exist in the fourth dimension, they are referring to the fact that we are in the 4th density space/time continuum right now. We are still 3D in structure, but we are being gradually molded by the new space/time parameters as we gradually morph into 4th density physical.
And we know from Ra quotes that there is a chemical body in fourth density, unless you believe that is distortion. Personally I don't. So when they say going beyond our octave means you no longer have a chemical body, this again points to densities to me, because that would in fact, be true in that case as the octave transition is truly beyond physical parameters of all kinds.
(05-19-2019, 08:02 AM)Infinite Wrote:Quote:We are aware of the question. We will attempt to answer through this instrument. Your understanding, shall we say, is consciously of a physical nature. As you well know, in addition to the physical universe there dwell within your planetary spheres finer dimensions which possess their reality and are peopled with their own characters. In the dimension which is called by some of your peoples the lower astral planes, there dwell but these same peoples but are called thought forms. These thought forms are what you may call archetypes. They include your whole array of demons and monsters, if you will, your myths, your so-called Big Foot, and vampire and werewolf and all the fantastic (inaudible) of bestial characters having been created by the archetypical imaginations of your peoples dwell as thoughts forms and [they] come into your reality because of the excessive and pointed emotions. The place that such entities will appear is dependent on a seemingly random energy pattern and is, in effect, not random. To explain it to you would be far too complex for easy transmission. For the energies of the planet, the race, and what you call your nations and states and cities, your individuals, all must he taken into account.
Here they appear to legitimately be referring to inner planes within the 3rd density spectrum.
(05-19-2019, 08:02 AM)Infinite Wrote:(05-19-2019, 12:38 AM)anagogy Wrote: I see densities as different types of identification (with each of the true color rays). I see planes as different vibrational realms existing within the context of identification. And I see dimensions as 90 degree spatial/temporal directions.
I see densities as vibrational frequencies and planes as space and time. So, inside a density there're infinities planes or maybe we can call "dimensions". The confusion starts when we try identify these planes and their configurations. Probably the experimentation of these places is the only way to understand that subject correctly.
Gotcha, interesting. The reason why I say density is about identification is because you can have two different beings, for example, a feline and human, each being of a separate density, but both in the same physical plane together. The feline is identified with orange ray and thus it sees the physical plane through the perspective of orange ray. The human is identified with yellow ray, and thus it sees the physical plane through the perspective of yellow ray. But again, they both occupy the same physical plane.
But I suppose, at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what words you use as long as you understand the context in which you are using them. Thanks for your thoughts.