05-19-2019, 12:02 PM
(05-18-2019, 08:23 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: I've been a part of this community for many years now. At this point, I see a lot of the same fallacies about the Law of One posted quite often. Certain versions of these fallacies are dangerous because they are an inversion of the proper interpretation of the material, which usually ends up being a slippery slope into self service.
I think I know what you are trying to get at, but I would like to comment on the language used because I think it's misleading.
"Dangerous" is a dangerous descriptor in my opinion. I would agree with you if I were a "follower" depending on someone(thing) beyond myself to tell me what to do, but I think everyone should make their own decisions and work things out for themselves. Is there a proper interpretation of the material? If there is, which flawed human here has the correct interpretation?
(05-18-2019, 08:23 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: Basically, way too often, I see people encouraging a use of wisdom which, in its full expression, is actually closing the heart chakra. Closing the heart chakra is not wisdom!!! I feel like most people's understanding is that we get to the green ray, and it's just this overflowing mess and wisdom must tame this curse. When I come across this attitude, to me it is a lack of understanding about the green ray, and when I see that, it seems silly to encourage people to move into the blue ray. For me, interpretations of the philosophy which encourage others, whether directly or implied, to close the heart in search of wisdom should always be challenged.
I'm not sure I can articulationg this well, but here goes.
This to me is an example of too closely following words by Ra or any entity or thing outside of self. It all may be true, but if we move away from trying to fit everything into the words and language of Ra (and other entities channeled by this group about the LOO) the picture may become more clear. I don't mean to say the LOO material is not to be referenced or studied, I mean adherence to the labels can be a deterrent to simple common sense or thinking for one's self.
(05-18-2019, 08:23 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: In 4th density, when the veil drops, we will have a group mind. In the group mind, we cannot think things like, "trans people have mental illness" or "women are too weak to protect others" or "that person needs to get out of their victim mentality". There is only harmony available, which means we must let go of the thoughts and actions that bring disharmony. Until our thoughts and feelings are pure enough that others will be able to read them without repulsion, we are not ready for a fourth density social memory complex, and the lessons are of love and acceptance, not wisdom.
By wisdom I assume you mean intellect/mind? Because I think wisdom is very different from intellect/mind.
And by "group mind" I assume you mean transparency of thought and essence of self? Because I personally don't see evolving to a group ming per say. I see it more like a transparency, and magnetizing to others who are close in essence, and because of the transparency actually knowing the essence of others who are now not hiding in a private internal dialogue. You might think as one in a SMC, but that's because your resonate with the same thoughts, not because you surrender to a group mind.
I'm totally nitpicking here. But my mind can't help it.

I also don't see it as letting go of thoughts and actions that bring disharmony, because I see it more as just not judging. I don't seek to harmonize with others; I seek to harmonize with myself—like chipping away at the marble block to get to the beautiful statue within. I'm not trying to blend with others, rather I am trying to become me in my highest form, and in doing so, it follows that I harmonize with others, not the other way around.
I can see that along the way one might try to force acceptance and "fake it till you make it" which is an axiom I definitely think is efficacious. But I feel the true reality is to transform self, and in doing so one's attitude toward others transforms. So in getting to the point of transparency in 4D, in my view, it is about self-transformation not trying to blend with others. Trying to blend does not eliminate ingrained prejudices and fears, though it may help. Self-exploration and self-honesty, letting go of defenses, letting down the protective walls, and moving beyond survival needs is a more natural way, to me, to acceptance of others' paths and choices.
I really don't see what the big deal is about transgender people. I remember seeing a movie (the title of which I don't recall) set in Africa. There was a character driving an old station wagon around, which he painted with crazy designs, and it had curtains hanging in the windows, and I thought how cool that was. So individual and self-expressive. And I immediately saw that something like that here in the US would be judged and scoffed at, but there in the African city it looked so cool and like so much fun and freedom.