05-18-2019, 11:03 PM
(05-13-2019, 12:11 PM)anagogy Wrote: There is another section where they make reference to three dimensions of time and three dimensions of space when talking about the physics of Dewey Larson with his reciprocal system. But sadly I cannot find it for the life of me at the moment. If I find it I will edit this post and add it. But essentially space and time are reciprocals of one another, and there are 3 directions of space, and 3 directions of time.
Perhaps you confused this passage from Oxal with LOO:
Quote:I am Oxal. I am with this instrument. I have been called for the purpose of speaking to you on the nature and reality of time. Time is a field, like unto your electric field, your magnetic field. But what is a field, my friends? A field is an effect. A field is in your minds. A field has different effects at different distances. So does time. As you have recently stated, time and space are dependent, one upon another. It has also been stated that they are totally independent, and have no relationship.
Both of these statements are true. It simply depends on your point of view. The people of your planet at present do not appreciate the number of dimensions that are available for one to experience the creation. All of these dimensions are made up of a single place and a single time, and, for that matter, a single dimension, which has no dimension. But it is necessary to go from where you are to where you will be. Therefore, we shall speak of time as you know it and try to lead you to that place where you will know it.
Time is a field. It is space-dependent. Space is a field and is time-dependent. For this reason you recognize a reciprocal nature. The relationship between the two is the third power [of] displacement in either. This may be recognized by a simple equation or formula. T3 divided by 3 is equal to S3. S3 divided by 3 is equal to T.
There are three dimensions: therefore, the numeral “3” is used, both as a power and as a constant. Permeability of the field is dependent upon the speed of the reciprocal field. Your present constant, that which you call the velocity of light, is the basic speed of the field. The permeability of that which you know as matter is dependent upon this constant. In other words, my friends, the densities of which your world is composed, and the densities of the other planes of existence as you know them, are time-dependent. Their permeability is a function of apparent speed.
Condensation in dense form results from oscillations between reciprocally related space/time entities and permeability, or the basic density of this material, is a function of the apparent velocity of what you call light. There are six spaces and six times in each density. In your present form and state of awareness you recognize three. The other three you travel in in the state of sleep. In doing this. you become, quite often, mismatched with your awareness you possess in your waking state. For this reason you are able to perceive events that will occur in what is to you in the waking state the future. However, the future is an illusion, as is the past, for there is only the present. It is possible to slide, shall we say, along with respect to your awareness of time in the waking state simply by removing through the process of normal sleep the confines of the physical illusion. Space and time are then, as before, reciprocally related.
It in a difficult subject upon which to speak, and will require considerable intellectual thought for you to apply or communicate to others within the present illusion. How can one reduce to a mathematics fabricated within a system of illusion a truth that is totally outside the boundaries of that system? It may be possible, however, to make certain statements regarding the relationships between space and time in any system that will help to guide an individual attempting to work within a limited system to understand the truth of the actions and the limits of that system of phenomena of time. It would, however, be much better to eliminate from the individual’s consciousness preconceived notions of the nature of both time and space, for they are not what they seem to be, as depicted by their phenomena within the boundaries of your present limitations.
Space may be thought of as linear, if time is thought of as volumetric. Or you may reverse the process, as you do within your limitation, and consider space volumetric and time linear. Either is true. And either may be perceived to be true, depending upon the limitations of your thought. It is possible to move linearly in space and volumetrically in time, all with the same movement. You can be aware of what you call the past, the present, and the future, simultaneously.
Time is not so much time as it is space, and space is not so much space as it is time. They are one and the same thing, and yet they are reciprocally related. For is not 1/1=1? For there is only one thing and we are all parts of it.
There are six dimensions, but you must speak of three. And time is a field, and radiates from each nucleus of matter in all directions and may be evaluated as T = S3/3, where T is time and S is space.
I will be happy to speak with you in the future regarding this subject. However, it is thought that it will be necessary to consider that which has been given to you before further instruction will be of great benefit. It is a very difficult bridge to travel, between a world of semantics and a place of being. But we will serve you in any way that we can.
I am Oxal. I will leave you at this time. Adonai vasu borragus. It has been a great privilege. Peace be with you.
Source: https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/i..._0800.aspx
Although Ra has used the terms "density" and "dimension" interchangeable, they used also as a synonym of "plane" or "place":
Quote:Therefore, this was not pursued further. There was a landing approximately three oh oh oh, three thousand [3,000], of your years ago also in your South America, as you call it. There were a few attempts to aid your peoples approximately two three oh oh [2,300] years ago, this in the area of Egypt. The remaining part of the cycle, we have never been gone from your fifth dimension and have been working in this last minor cycle to prepare for harvest.(14.4)
That's indicates that fifth dimension is like a place. Here is a stretch from L/L Transcripts with something like that:
Quote:H: I have a question. I keep reading in the literature—metaphysical literature, psychic literature—that there are seven levels, seven states of consciousness, seven heavens, or something of this sort. Is this a valid concept?
We are aware of the question. I am Hatonn. You are no doubt familiar with the concept of quantum mechanics and also with the octave which you may find on any piano.
There are in a major scale, as this instrument would put it, seven different notes, having a relationship to each other which is pleasant. And then there is an octave. In that octave there is an identity—top note with bottom and the tonality begins again. Thus it is with quanta, where you have just so much occurring within a quantum; and then there is a leap, shall we say, to another set of configurations.
There has often been in your culture the term “seventh heaven” heard, and it is only one of many popular beliefs that there is not only a heaven but that there are various heavens for those who have done various things,
Your rather primitive Christian dogma would limit one’s heavens to two—one good and one bad—with a rather neutral zone in between for those who have not yet decided whether to be bad or good. This is not accurate.
There are, indeed, seven levels within the realm within the next dimension or quantum—from you. This plane has been called by Theosophists the astral plane. Beyond that quantum there is a further octave of seven, and that plane is sometimes called the devachanic. Beyond that plane there is another octave of seven, which is sometimes called spiritual by your people. Beyond that plane few among your peoples who are incarnate upon your planet have traveled.
There are an infinite number of octaves in the heavenly music. The number seven, however, is the number of completeness, for that is, shall we say, the scale of vibrations within each quantum.
Source: https://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/i..._0617.aspx
If astral plane is the fourth dimension, the planes, the rays and the dimensions are not related, for example, red ray = physical plane = third dimension (but the third ray is the yellow not red). The lower, middle and higher astral planes being only one dimension or plane, and not three differente separations of the rays of colors. This is a really confuse subject.