05-17-2019, 06:54 PM
(05-17-2019, 05:39 PM)redchartreuse Wrote: ... So in seeing all the unintended consequences and atrocious acts committed "in his name" this entity holds fast to its self-righteousness and refuses to balance itself with wisdom.
... So here we are, with hordes of entities on the planet hailing from a density where love has been balanced with wisdom, yet they mostly go unheeded by the populace, meanwhile they continue to march innocent children off every Sunday to places which have been shown to be breeding grounds for pedophiles, all because one man decided to allow himself to be hung on a cross in order to supposedly demonstrate "love."
I'm sort of puzzled by this thread. You seem to wish to make a quick leap from flaws of altruistic people to martyrdom. It appears from the tone of your posts that you seem to be quite emotionally "invested" in the subject of martyrs. Specifically "Jesus" seems to be triggering the greatest "angst" in you.
You paint with a rather broad brush the "evils" of all of Christendom... "march innocent children"... "breeding ground for pedophiles". I'm not going to defend the INDIVIDUALS involved throughout history (or presently) that have committed crimes in the name of another entity. But you're just plain wrong to paint everything connected with any particular faith with accusations of pedophilia and atrocious crimes as if that's all that every sect or division of Christianity (or any other faith) is about.
Honestly, the tone of your posts (at least to me) sounds like you have an "axe to grind". Yes, I may be totally wrong, but (to me) that's how you're coming across.
All the above is offered without judgment or malice.