05-17-2019, 06:12 PM
(05-17-2019, 05:39 PM)redchartreuse Wrote: Ra also mentioned that, some 2000-ish years on, the entity known as "Jesus" who incarnated with a plan to martyr itself had "not yet, to any significant degree, balanced these distortions" which I personally find fascinating.His current incarnation is presently balancing these distortions
Quote:So in seeing all the unintended consequences and atrocious acts committed "in his name" this entity holds fast to its self-righteousness and refuses to balance itself with wisdom.Hold on there. The people who commit these acts in his name do so because of their desire and distortion for power. They would've done so in other circumstances had the religion or knowledge not been there. The religion is used as an excuse. That doesn't mean what Jesus taught was anything less valid, valuable or true.
Quote:So here we are, with hordes of entities on the planet hailing from a density where love has been balanced with wisdom, yet they mostly go unheeded by the populace, meanwhile they continue to march innocent children off every Sunday to places which have been shown to be breeding grounds for pedophiles, all because one man decided to allow himself to be hung on a cross in order to supposedly demonstrate "love."The knowledge that Jesus imparted can produce wonderful results. I've seen the very best. The main problem are self-oriented people. They are in religion as an excuse to act bad. They are in communities such as this one because they want to be service to self, negative oriented.