05-13-2019, 02:09 PM
(05-13-2019, 11:06 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: You do realize that arguments like this are just full of misogyny, right? This isn't a logical or even clever argument, it's the same focus on separation. The basis of this hypothetical is that there exists some desire in men to hit women. I don't have a desire to hit anyone, so it's just incomprehensible to me.
If we want to talk about "natural order", then please, let us look at the animals, and how males are the ones who fight each other almost without exclusion. This happens usually over resources, like territory or mates, and often because of hormonal influxes at certain times of the years, like the rut, which is when males of a certain species battle it out over weeks until only the strongest remain and get to mate with the majority of the females. Male animals fighting other male animals is super common, but male animals do not fight the females of the species, and usually females do not fight each other, either. This doesn't happen because the female, whether or not she is more fragile (this varies from species to species) must maintain her physical vitality to incubate, birth, and rear the progeny of the males. A male can die after copulating with a female, because he has already done his job in the natural order to further the proliferation of his DNA. The female, usually, must survive at least another year or two for the children to have any viability. Of course there are examples where the males help take care of the newborn children, but almost all species that require rearing from parents require the presence of the mother to survive. This is also why males grow things like antlers, tusks, and super fancy colored feathers - they don't have to expend the same amount of personal bodily energy to create another life form. Males have always been compensating for this inequality of roles, which is why I understand the role of "protector" and "those who carry brute force" are being gatekept from females.
There are also species where males will kill newly born offspring that don't carry their DNA, which causes the female to ovulate again, and then he can mate with her and force her to care for his child, instead.
Anyway, I went off a little bit of a tangent there, but I think we can all agree that violence has a gender bias, just by evolution and natural selection. And on that note, please don't post video clips of people fighting, they will be removed.
I really don't see your point here.
If I try to follow your logic. You seem to hint that if a woman hits a man, she should really expect to be hit back and could only be considered foolish to not have thought of that, due to how in the natural order of things men are more likely to use violence?
I guess that is an interesting way to look at it, but the point of the thread was more about fairness and equality I think, rather than natural tendencies. If a young boy hits another young boy, it is likely that a fight will break out and the young boy won't just let himself be offended. But if a girl does it, there is a social conditionning to suck it up and endure for the boy. The boy will be rejected by others if he strike back because caught up in his emotions, which from what you were saying can be seen as a natural reaction. If two girls are fighting, then it goes back to being the same as two boys fighting.
It is great that you do not have any desire to hit someone, things would be quite simple if that was the balance of everyone. I guess though, we live in a world where that isn't the case. Now if we apply what the material teaches on how on to deal with desires, it would be inapropriate in the extreme to encourage overcoming such desire, except to suggest imagination rather than the carying out in the physical plane. I guess this applies as unrelated to the gender of the parties, or any other separative trait that make it seem like the Creator as self is unlike the Creator as other-self. Not like there ever are really two males of exactly equal strength either.
In light of that it is unwise to overcome desires, BastionPath position on communication seems interesting.