05-13-2019, 01:01 AM
(05-12-2019, 11:39 PM)Merrick Wrote: A better question, if anyone at all hits you, should you hit them back? Why or why not?
That's more the question. I think we always hit someone out of an emotional energy and they tend to be irrational, so there's little value in wondering if you should or not and in what context. The hurt in you that can hit plainly does not care.
These things are a lot just energy transfers, like an accumulated lightning charge that strikes all of sudden. I had an ex that hit me twice in the face when she was in a black rage and in retrospective I can see that it passed part of her rage to me. I think that was her way to bring me to her level, rather than being stuck the only one that was enraged. She wanted me to feel her pain and share her rage and from there how I work with it becomes my own choice and opportunity. In both instances, I was already concerned for her so I kind of just did a "stare of death" in a vibe that said I would not tolerate further disrespect. I guess it helps to know the person and their issues, just as seeing them being unstable in other situations, which makes it easy to not hold any grudge. When you deal with a stranger, you know less of their background so it is easy to fall into judgment and a lack of compassion.
The key to end karma is always forgiveness. If you forgive then the charge that was passed on to you is alleviated and you don't make the wheel spin further so to say. If you are unable to forgive, then you are holding on to a charge that will come to strike back something in your life, even if you don't retaliate in the moment. It can very well be on other people, because emotional discharges rarely are about the current situation and instead the situation acts as a trigger for an accumulation.
Anyhow, whether it is about the one to do an offense first or someone that retaliates, of whatever gender, I think understanding the shortcomings that the Creator can have in facing its reflection in an other-self is the key toward healing. Even if you are peaceful and pacific and think you know how everyone should act, others are the mirror on your own potential. You are never above another, nor do you have the ability to do better if you step outside your circumstances into theirs. Like always, the Law of One solves all paradoxes and if in separation we are interconnected in karma that is because it was our will, we wanted to see the reflection of our One identity and that entails sometimes meeting the hard way what you can become through a differing path. No one is full of rage and hate through being nurtured in love, there is always a cause and effect to everything.