05-12-2019, 07:39 PM
Quote:The self, once realized as a metaphysical entity, is also realized as an ethical principle. And you can see yourself more and more clearly as one who truly can be responsible for doing her absolute best to do the ethical thing, to hold the highest principle, to hew to the road that seems the most beautiful, the most moral and the most right for the self. Often that which the world considers right and that which the inner self considers right will coincide. However, not infrequently issues looked at from the standpoint of Earth are looked at with an eye to the protection of the self and the maintenance of the environment, whereas looked at as a metaphysical issue, often the solution is transformed, and roads may be chosen that do not seem as practical, as convenient or as down to earth. For in the switch of universes there is the release of the forms of the world and the realization of forms that are higher in the metaphysical universe.
Quote:You are here as awakened beings to be, not to do. This is a terrifically difficult concept to receive within the context of incarnated life because life as you know it, as you experience it, as the culture teaches you to experience it, is about doing. You were taught to value yourself as a worker, as a producer, as an accomplisher of deeds. They may be many different kinds of deeds, but at the next gathering to which you go, you will be asked not, “Who are you?” but, “What do you do?” And you will be valued by many people according to how that answer goes. And yet we say to you that you are not here primarily as a doer, but as an essence.
Quote:Your plan as learning entities, interested in the evolution of spirit, was not to be here and be wise, but to be here and be confused. You are hoping, by coming into this very dense physical illusion, to become completely disoriented and to wake up in the midst of a true sea of confusion. And the reason that you hoped for this was that you had the feeling that you could come to a better balance of self, a more pure choice of polarity, and a more passionate desire to seek the truth.
Quote:Another aspect of being a wanderer, which is common to those from elsewhere and to those who are native to the Earth sphere, is the enormous yearning to serve. And we say to each that the main service of each of you is the service of being yourself. For when you are most truly and deeply yourself, when your heart is open and vibrating in its fullness, you become a crystal capable of receiving energy, transmuting energy and releasing energy into the Earth’s sphere.
Quote:Naturally, each of you gave yourself gifts to share, lessons to learn and outer services to perform. And we encourage each to move along those lines of talent and gifts as you perceive them, looking for ways to share those gifts. But realize that, more than those outer doings, the inner essence is the true and central gift of the life, which you have come to offer. It is a beautiful gift. It is a gift that will take you all your life to give, and our encouragement to you is to give this gift and do this service regardless of what else you seem to be doing in your life.