05-12-2019, 06:45 PM
(09-22-2016, 06:11 AM)anagogy Wrote: Red Ray = Physical Plane/Prime Material/This is also the Etheric Plane (as is commonly referenced in occult literature -- not the version Ra was talking about). This is the most congealed manifestation of form, or tangibility.
Orange Ray = Lower Astral Plane (Selfish Vibrations/Vibrations Concerning Self/Lust/Personal Power/Lower Emotional Realm)
Yellow Ray = Middle Astral Plane (Awareness of difference between Self and Other/Societal Vibrations/Personhood in relationship to groups of entities/this is where you begin to see astral cities or conglomerations of souls living together/Lower mental plane.)
Green Ray = Higher Astral Plane (Awareness of others vibrations/empathy/understanding of what another is experiencing/unconditional love/astral heaven type worlds/awareness of harmony/higher emotional plane).
Blue Ray = Devachanic Plane/Mental Plane/vibrations of free communication and pure conceptual ideals/repository of the "pure vibrations" of a thing at a conceptual level/conceptual archetypes after which every further instance of a particular idea is a patternization of, i.e., Plato's ideas of "ideal forms")
Indigo Ray = Causal Plane (Awareness of self as an expression of Intelligent Energy/awareness of self as creator/what Ra called the "etheric body" or the place where light is given form. Think of it as an "eye" or "shutter" that focuses light, giving it form, which is why it is the primal Form Maker.
Violet Ray = Buddhic Plane or alternatively the "Atmic Plane" or the level of 'Christ Consciousness'. Realm of wholeness, and awareness of connection with everything. This is where the m/b/s totality resides. An awareness of the totality of experiential balance. This is the most intangible and "not constrained by form" level.
Do you think is possible relate these planes and rays with first dimension, second dimension, third dimension, fourth dimension, etc.? I think is just a matter of what we consider as "dimension", because the sub-frequencies of the planes are infinite. So, it's not easy make these correlations.