04-29-2019, 10:31 AM
it's a cultic, dissociative faux bliss state... a sort of enforced spaced out surrender to the leader - who sets up the beatific beaming smile (in Bentinhos case I've heard his described as a 'rictus grin' which is uncharitable - but sadly true...) and the 'followers' mimic after enough immersion in static listening to him pontificate and waffle and word salad for a few hrs at a time... he also does a lot of 'staring' directly at people for lonnnngg periods of time which can cause surrendering of autonomy... the situation around the devotee who killed himself during a recent retreat was very linked to taking on a lot of the nihilism Massaro uses at times
he's extremely wealthy from his guruness and trinfinity... owns sports cars, big $$real estate etc...
he's extremely wealthy from his guruness and trinfinity... owns sports cars, big $$real estate etc...