04-21-2019, 01:44 PM
(04-09-2019, 10:57 AM)Medicus Wrote: That being said, I've also noticed that since then I've run into some issues regarding my physical health. I've basically been ill with constant fatigue, poor sleep quality, fever, sore throat, runny nose, difficulty concentrating, etc. Now I have ADHD, so I've always had difficulty with concentration. I've been taking medication for about 2 years now, which has increased my quality of life tremendously. Still though, in the last 2 weeks I've noticed that my concentration ability has markedly decreased, and the meds aren't working like they have been.
Simple physical situations can have immense effect on a person:
Check your diet
Reduce to see if you are affected by gluten containing food like bread, pizza etc. See if this helps to improve your health. Same with all kinds of foods - there may be foods in your diet to which you are considerably or mildly intolerant.
Even stuff which you are mildly intolerant to can cause your body to trigger immune reactions, thinking that a foreign substance entered the body. This could cause inflammation in all body, muscles, joints, even ataxia or other bodily reactions. For some people, even eating a pea size bread can trigger the immune system until the small intestine can digest entire piece. Generally it takes ~2 days to digest something fully, so if you eat a decent size of bread, pizza or other gluten containing food and you are intolerant to gluten, you will be bloated and your immune system will be active for ~2 days!
Always be monitoring your diet and your bodily reactions.
Check if you are able to breathe properly while sleeping. Or even while awake
A decent amount of people have obstructions in their nose, preventing them from breathing healthily. When these people go through a simple nose operation to better the obstruction, their lives markedly improve. Visiting a doctor could do.
Vitamin D deficiency is a major reason of depressions Get your Vitamine D levels checked by an analysis. Supplements are also available to address it but better would be to receive enough sun and eat foods that contain Vitamin D.
Make sure the environment you live in is not too dusty. Especially those who use computers regularly face a lot of dust because the computer sucks it up and then keeps it. They must be regularly cleaned.
Buy a simple air purifier (without the ultraviolet gimmick)
to clean the air where you sit and sleep.
Sleep your maximum hours.
For most this is 8 hours. Some can sleep less. However for some, being able to only sleep 4 hours etc can point to a psychological or physical issue. In any case, sleep your maximum.
Do physical activity.
If you dont already have a life which requires sufficient physical activity, exercise lightly to make it up. Dont be stationary and sedentary. It changes hormone levels greatly.
Stress. It is a major, major factor
It does not necessarily mean 'bad circumstances' or 'pressure'.
Stress basically is a state of heightened alertness and attention which human species put their body into, when they need to concentrate. This comes from evolutionary past in which humans have escaped predators or hunted.
When it happens, the body tells the digestive system, any system that is not vital to fighting, escaping or sensing to reduce their activities to provide energy for the other systems. If its permanent, this can cause bad digestion and irritable bowel syndrome or other consequences because digestive system etc are constantly suppressed.
Today we live in a world in which we are constantly doing concentration/attention requiring brain work and we are constantly having ourselves in that state of alertness!
Ranging from various office jobs to having to study in schools, to more demanding jobs which require concentration and brain power, today stress-inducing jobs are plenty.
Being aware of your body, being aware of your body's reactions, preferences, perils are a major item on an adept's learning. It is the first step for an adept setting on its journey.
Always pay attention to your body and take care of it.