(04-18-2019, 04:26 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: But if more veiled means more fear, then why do wild animals fear humans more than pets do? When the wild animals are less veiled according to you.
Well, I don't think you can evaluate the level of fear an animal experiences so one dimensionally. For example, I have a cat, it is not afraid of me because it is conditioned to my presence, however, it is terrified of other people (especially children). It is also terrified of other animals, like other cats, dogs, and anything bigger than a squirrel. Sometimes, it is even skiddish to my presence. So I think they become "comfortable" due to repeated conditioning. The more time an animal spends with humans the more they vibrate like us (individuate). Humans have a variety of fears depending on their experiences and circumstances.
A veil doesn't necessarily mean fear, it just means there is confusion. For example, a bear probably doesn't experience that much fear, because they are high on the food chain. But if an animal didn't have the veil totally, they wouldn't experience pain or fear, ever. It would be like nothing to them, because they would feel a total connection to creator. Like I said, it would be really cool if that were the case, but I haven't seen convincing evidence of it. But I'm open to the belief that they might have residual awareness of existing prior to incarnation and the knowing that they will exist afterwards.