I think faith is a bit like knowledge of spirit.
It's not something you can explain or transfer to someone, it is something you gain by being open with sincerity. Like I've had faith there is something like a God, that we live in an intelligent design, but this followed an openness to the idea in which I admitted to not know and this has allowed me to touch something. Once I've touched that thing, I may not know how to define it or know everything about it, but I do know it is there to be touched and I think this is what people call faith and it is closer to a kind of knowing than belief.
Like in a relationship, faith is closer to knowledge that the link between spirits could be tested and remain strong. It is a form of knowledge of your link with the other person. In the same fashion, faith is a form of knowledge regarding your link with yourself, then you can have faith in your own spirit and inner light, you can have faith that the world is supported by a loving Logos, you can have faith in Infinity and fate, but all these things are things that it is not of the quality of the mind to contain and instead merely access.
This is a bit why I try to advocate for faith in that "All is Well". To me it is not just technique for a positive mindset and healthy emotional body, instead it is much more of a form of surrendering to an underlying truth that has its own mass and weight in our being.
I think associating faith with events is somewhat misguided, because if you have faith in Infinity then there is no avoiding events. Not everything needs to happen here and now in the distance of your self, but I think it releases fear and tension to accept any possibility that enters your mind and brings us in harmony with the core of ourselves.
Even the Creator uses infinite time and experience to see its reflection and learn of Itself.
Even silencing the mind in meditation derives from intelligence and experiencing with it offers to know its utilities and usefulness. Then you can have faith in meditation, but there will always be more to discover from it, which is the opposite of thinking you know everything there is to know about it.
It's not something you can explain or transfer to someone, it is something you gain by being open with sincerity. Like I've had faith there is something like a God, that we live in an intelligent design, but this followed an openness to the idea in which I admitted to not know and this has allowed me to touch something. Once I've touched that thing, I may not know how to define it or know everything about it, but I do know it is there to be touched and I think this is what people call faith and it is closer to a kind of knowing than belief.
Like in a relationship, faith is closer to knowledge that the link between spirits could be tested and remain strong. It is a form of knowledge of your link with the other person. In the same fashion, faith is a form of knowledge regarding your link with yourself, then you can have faith in your own spirit and inner light, you can have faith that the world is supported by a loving Logos, you can have faith in Infinity and fate, but all these things are things that it is not of the quality of the mind to contain and instead merely access.
This is a bit why I try to advocate for faith in that "All is Well". To me it is not just technique for a positive mindset and healthy emotional body, instead it is much more of a form of surrendering to an underlying truth that has its own mass and weight in our being.
I think associating faith with events is somewhat misguided, because if you have faith in Infinity then there is no avoiding events. Not everything needs to happen here and now in the distance of your self, but I think it releases fear and tension to accept any possibility that enters your mind and brings us in harmony with the core of ourselves.
(04-13-2019, 10:08 AM)Cainite Wrote: 5.the distortion towards understanding and knowing, can it be counterproductive to the practice of faith?Only if it becomes an end.
(04-13-2019, 10:08 AM)Cainite Wrote: 4.What should the seeker have faith in?All is well and what happens is what needs to happen, enabling yourself to recognize it as it happens in its symbolic fashion.
(04-13-2019, 10:08 AM)Cainite Wrote: 3.There are so many scary things that can happen. should we be blind to them? won't we be disappointed?Your truest nature is that of infinite potential. It is better to act upon the moment and its opportunities than to live in fear and doubt, follow your heart.
(04-13-2019, 10:08 AM)Cainite Wrote: 2.The enlightened sufis spoke of letting go of intellect. how does that work?I think it tries to speak of a state of openness. Some people are stuck in belief that they know it all, when I believe there's always more to discover for every thing.
Even the Creator uses infinite time and experience to see its reflection and learn of Itself.
(04-13-2019, 10:08 AM)Cainite Wrote: 1.Should we set aside our intelligence in favor of having faith?I think faith is found through seeking and seeking derives from intelligence, so I would say no they can't be fully separated.
Even silencing the mind in meditation derives from intelligence and experiencing with it offers to know its utilities and usefulness. Then you can have faith in meditation, but there will always be more to discover from it, which is the opposite of thinking you know everything there is to know about it.