04-11-2019, 07:05 AM
(04-10-2019, 10:50 PM)Tae Wrote: It's very common for awakening to be a physically unpleasant process as your body adjusts and makes way for new modes of thinking and beliefs, adapts to receiving new levels of energy, etc. Old beliefs, habits, ideas, negativity, all of these things in your mind store themselves in your body in a way and getting rid of them triggers something "flu-like" along with the first time people awaken their kundalini. I expect this is because the energy you're receiving is at a frequency unharmonious with the energy you feed your body with–since many people enter into the flow with tons of bad habits, rather than immediately stripping and stepping into tune with that energy. Imagine you go to a lake, and the lake is cold. It takes time for your body to adjust in temperature to the lake as you walk into it, and so it's unpleasant until you adapt to the temperature of the lake.
You're new to feeling energy, so you're a bit out of balance with yourself and that causes the "ascension flu". Good news is it will get better. Grounding techniques, shielding techniques, making higher vibrational choices to align yourself with the energy flowing into you...
And in my experience, when I experience a spiritual high, I always experience an equal and opposite reaction, be it an attack or a "down" or a "lull". All must be in balance.
Thanks for the explanation and the analogy, really helps to understand it properly. Interesting that you bring up the concept of balance. The day before all my flu-like stuff started, I was reading the voices of the confederation, and at one point something "clicked" I was feeling a tremendous love of everyone and everything that I've never experienced before. I guess this is my "crash" in response to that.
Thanks to everyone else for the time taken to reply as well!