04-03-2019, 09:39 PM
(04-02-2019, 05:20 PM)loostudent Wrote: Ah, I see! Thanks for a clear explanation. So these planes are like layers if onion. From most outer to most inner.
Exactly. It is crazy how something can seem so simple in your head and then you try to put it in words, and you see how confusing it can be. But explaining it over and over again over the last couple years has forced me to come up with clearer and clearer analogies. So I'm glad if this helped your understanding.
(04-02-2019, 05:20 PM)loostudent Wrote: I was confused because Ra used colors for lower/higher and also for inner/outer.
Yes, as was I. I think that was the main confusion, is when they described the vehicles, it was not clear, in anyway whatsoever, that they were talking about the physical bodies of densities 1-7, because they were attempting to apply the labels that various occultists have attributed to inner plane bodies, to the physical bodies of the higher densities. In a way it was understandable, because we don't have good words to describe a higher density physical body. Also, they often described things in unusual ways (from our 3rd density perspective). Just like how they might describe a "noise" or a "name" as a "vibratory sound complex". They were doing the best with what they had. The group wanted names, and they did their best to associate them. But the first 3 described were clearly physical bodies, and they didn't make any distinction that the rest were nonphysical (because they weren't, though they were certainly higher vibrational physical energy).
The physical body of any density, is a crystallization of that thought form that makes up that ray. So there is sort of physicalized "higher astral body" (the body of fourth density physical), and there is a nonphysical higher astral body which resides in time/space. You can also think of the physical world bodies as "what kind of physical structure would allow this consciousness to be incarnate upon the physical level". For a third density being, it is the human brain/body, with its abstract capabilities allowing "self awareness" in the physical plane. It "translates" the physical world in a way that makes sense to consciousness that resides in the "middle astral" (the natural realm of yellow ray). In second density it is, what we might call, "the genetic body". In first density, it is the "elemental body". First density is native to the physical world, so its structure is correspondingly simple because no "translation" is needed. That is the natural vibration that this particular form of consciousness would "settle on" if it was capable of death. Much like the lower astral is the natural place a second density form would float to, upon cessation of its physical life until it recycles back into incarnation. Because the lower astral is the natural domain of orange ray consciousness.
(04-02-2019, 05:20 PM)loostudent Wrote: Densities hold different levels of consciousness - from lover to higher or less conscious to more conscious. I guess more evolved beings have also more access to inner planes and are less dependent on physical body.
Yes, that is true as well. For example, just as 4th - 7th physical can hide themselves from us lower densities' physical sensory systems, the same is true on the other more inner planes. Higher density beings can cloak themselves from your presence, for example, if you were astral projecting. You might the get sense that someone was watching you, but you can't see them or perceive them. They have access to your time/space, but they can cloak their time/space from you if they really want to.