04-02-2019, 11:57 AM
(04-02-2019, 10:59 AM)Diana Wrote:(03-24-2019, 06:46 AM)kristina Wrote: A gentle reminder....
You are within an illusion, meaning, in our wobbly words, this is not reality. You are already One but cannot know it as you are in this illusory space/time.
To think one part of this existence is real and another not is separation. This is reality now. This may be a part of a whole, but all parts of the whole are real. There may be a larger picture, but that does not mean this part is not real. If one part has been created, it's all created. If there is a OIC, being the source of all this creation, and we create each moment here with our decisions, it's all creation.
For example, many New Agers say we are a soul, not a body. But we are both (assuming souls exist). The body may be more ephemeral, but that doesn't mean it's any less real in the moment.
(03-24-2019, 06:46 AM)kristina Wrote: I don't know about you, however, I love this world. The horse, the dog, the cat, the flower and the tree. The colors are so vibrant and sometimes the conversation so rich!
I agree. But I also know that there is so much suffering here. Many who come to this forum are suffering. Definitely staying connected with the natural world is important and can bring one back to point.
(03-24-2019, 06:46 AM)kristina Wrote: I say, know what you know now and deal with what comes about later. In other words, live for each moment as it unfolds and if you are at the appointed time leaving this plane of existence, you will be experiencing nothing but another moment.
I agree with this too.
(03-24-2019, 06:46 AM)kristina Wrote: Wanderers could be very ingenious in the art of staying grounded in what is called The Eternal Now but you may have to apply yourself just as everyone upon this beautiful planet applies hardwork.
I so agree that we have to put in the work. Sometimes even taking a little action breaks inertia. Stagnant waters become toxic.
The planet is beautiful, but humanity is not. Many people are still in survival mode, having to deal with no job, not enough money to live comfortably (and far worse that goes on here). One may be focused on a beautiful deer grazing on tree leaves, and the next moment that deer is shot by a hunter who just likes killing animals and will hang the deer head on a wall (after the deer goes through horrible suffering). Obviously I don't mean all humans, but we are a far cry from a compassionate world at this point.
What are your ideas on staying focused on the beauty? And do you think it's possible to maintain that focus?
Diane I feel the pain too. I just hope that the answer is understood as my answer and it may not resonate with you. We are all such individualists and this experience is unique to each of us. I can give you my own comfort measures, ok? Based upon my experience. I hope this will be ok or perhaps could help in some way.
I live my life in faith. Faith that all things are as they should be and each portion of the Creator is utilizing the Catalyst before them.
Unfortunately, in this particular illusion (it's the only one I am aware of for now, lol), there is suffering. This one has little eat, this one is beaten, this one is unloved and the list is on and on. These are all catalyst that each may use for their spiritual growth if one wishes. And I have a firm understanding of that.
I meditate, not constantly but I meditate at least 5 days per week, I comtemplate as often as I wish, I study the Law of One, I do for others anytime that I can and I always seek the beauty in life. I have come to understand that I am witnessing preincarnate choices of each person and I respect their choice to work out their spiritual journey as they wish. I never forget that this is a choice even under the veil of sleeping. The veil doesn't only apply to them but it applies to me as well and I have suffered a great deal throughout my life and only through seeking have I managed thus far. And it was through will and faith that I am able to see it the way it is. Like all others, I have had to utilize my catalyst and am still utilizing though, like anyone else, if I am able to catch it. My most handy tool is meditation. My next handy tool is prayer then third is contemplating. I read about the Law of One, I listen to the inner voice, I play in this creation, I honor others as I honor myself; but I never allow myself to forget why we are here, to grow. I feel if I meditate, we all reap the rewards of the meditation, if I heal we will all heal, if I love we all love, if I seek we all are seeking and vice versa. It starts with me and like a pebble hitting a pond, the ripple goes out and reaches the shoreline.