Hmm. Corrleates with my worry of doing a terrorist attack and the response is genuine Ra. I accept this channeling as Ra... But really, I hope you know what I mean.
I also had a series of strange dreams, I was defending a house in the wilderness from "bad thoughts" and I met a chick and thought it vitally important that I remember after I wake up that her name was Frimen with an I instead of an E, I've yet to do a search online to see if this reveals one distinct person.
Edit: Morgan Friman. Now that is an interesting dream, lady form Morgan seduces me in dreams, more at 11. Anyway, Sorry to sidestep your thread but thought it relevant. Probably isn't.
I also had a series of strange dreams, I was defending a house in the wilderness from "bad thoughts" and I met a chick and thought it vitally important that I remember after I wake up that her name was Frimen with an I instead of an E, I've yet to do a search online to see if this reveals one distinct person.
Edit: Morgan Friman. Now that is an interesting dream, lady form Morgan seduces me in dreams, more at 11. Anyway, Sorry to sidestep your thread but thought it relevant. Probably isn't.