(03-28-2019, 06:56 PM)Taralie Peterdaughter Wrote: I really like the mirror idea of the body /physical realm reflecting the spirit but in its opposite. I think that's a good place to explain why body and spirit seem so similar to me. Infinitely creative and unknowable. To me the physical world keeps showing up that way despite how hard science tries to pin it down. And both equally pure. I just see the physical as pure, following it's natural laws. And the mind because it's task is choice, by that very task it must introduce the illusion of imperfection. Separation is for me a definite mental construct. Impossible to prove physically or spiritually, yet we fool ourselves over and over again with its illusion. And here in this setting the drama of choice plays out.
I would agree, the separation is a mental construct.
It is the choice, by the mind, to forget the internal awareness of the whole, and accept the percepts of the physical body as the only reality. When that happens, it naturally presumes separation is actually the case. The spiritual is then pushed into the unconscious, to conform to the rules imposed by the poorly allocated faith.
The snake looks at its tail, and rather than feeling within itself the totality of its being, as both the head and the tail, it wrongly assumes that an other snake is there before it. It is a good symbolic analogy when you think about it.
And then it tries to eat itself. :D