03-26-2019, 07:32 AM
(03-26-2019, 05:37 AM)Tae Wrote: Loving the present doesn't mean you have to resign yourself to whatever the present has you trapped in. You don't have to change being who you are at all–a forward thinking, future-minded person–sometimes loving the present means being strong enough to decide to make changes so that your trajectory gets you to where you want to be. Look where you want to be going, absolutely!
Like, it's okay to think, well, in the present I'm lonely, and that sucks, what can I do about it. You don't have to exclusively fantasize about positive things and think positively about your now to live in the present. I guess some of the trick is to not just fantasize but also take steps to actualize. I found out there's a local UFO group that meets monthly so I'm going to go. (shrug)
Part of being here means being in the pain when it happens too, and forcing your way through it. It's important for you to survive, to endure, to make it through.
I hope you find yourself a friend IRL. I think that would help.
I love your supportiveness! I can tell you are really trying to balance acceptance and non acceptance of the self! It shows in your suggestion!
The latter part of your suggestion is a little rough though. I don't think it necessary to force anything and to prolong or accentuate suffering as we do enough of that just breathing upon this sphere. We could just see it, a glimpse of what "it" is and go back to doing, and doing could include day dreaming.
I look at day dreams as a creation of your perfect world and by doing that you may be releaving yourself of the pain you feel inside ( you also may be learning where your pain lies within you). You shouldn't live there but to visit there, sure why not? It's necessary for us to "do" the work. We "do" the work just by living and nothing more. Your spiritual evolution will indeed fall right into place without a ton of effort but first you must just live as you are, choice by choice.
You can be the watcher of your thoughts to learn how to tap in to the present moment but not hanging onto any particular thought at first until you can hold your concentration there for 2 seconds, 3, 4, 5 seconds. Loving the moment is infact accepting the moment as it is. Not fighting with it, denying it, forcing it or any other thing. Just saying, it is as it is.
Read the Wanderer's Handbook by Carla. You can download it for free from this site in their store.